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Posts posted by xtremef4i

  1. what oil & filter do you prefer in your bike?

    Honda oil baby!!!

    HP4 10-40

    Hidy Honda is a lot closer than Vista...If you read my beef with Vista in another post, you will never want to buy parts there

  2. Hey Dustin or Matt, let me know whats going on for mod-fest 2008 this Sunday. I need to strip and stain my dresser so it matches the new furnature but not sure if I am doing that this weekend or not. keep me posted...sounds like the shop is gonna be a full house...

  3. Alright so here is my beef with a shop. This hasn't stopped me from buying parts from here because its the only Kawi shop around that I can get parts from other than Comeptition Accessories. My mom works down the road from Vista so she just picks up my stuff when it comes in so I dont have to drive 45 minutes out of my way.

    Alright time for the beef-

    I call Vista to order some bigger main jets for my ninja 250. A woman answers the phone and I tell her i want 2 #108 Main Jets, which is one step from stock at 105. She puts me on hold for 5 minutes and says the #38 main jet costs this much...I said that is what jet? she says "38 main". I say 38 is the pilot jet. she puts me on hold for another 5 minutes...Then gets back on and says we have to order the 100 MJ. I said I want the #108 MJ. I am put on hold once again and she gets back on a few minutes later and says they have them in stock. OK great. I ask if I need to pay over the phone for them so they can hold them for me till the next day so my mom can pick them up. What does the lady do? You guessed it- put me on hold for another 5 minutes. After a while, a guy picks up the phone and says "thanks for holding what can I do for you?" I tell him Im waiting on the lady to take my credit card so I can pay for the parts since they are in stock. the guy says if they are in stock I dont need to pre-pay and they can be paid for when they are picked up.

    Next day comes around and my mom goes to pick up th jets since the lady said they are in stock. The guy behind the counter said they would have to order the #108MJ since they do not stock that size. What the Hell? The lady just said she had them and this guy says they dont. That lady the day before was on crack by telling me they had them after it took her 3 tried to find the right part within 20 minutes. How hard is it to look up a Main Jet? So anyway, The jets get ordered and come in. Pick them up and return them a week later since I realized I didnt need them and just stayed with the jetting set up that I already had. Then the shop charges a 20% restock fee to return the jets I didnt need which is normal at many shops, but no where on the repeipt did they have the disclaimer about a re-stocking fee, so technically it wouldnt legally hold up in the eyes of the law. Tried to argue the fact that there was no disclaimer for them to charge the re-stock fee but they refused to take the fee off so I took the money and left, leaving 20% of it at the shop. I figured 80% of my money back was better than 0%. Anyway, thats my beef. It just annoyed me more than anything and doesnt make their parts department shine too well on my list. But hey whatcha gonna do?

  4. For those of you that have tatts. Please describe for me what the feeling is like getting one. I have heard it tickles, hurts bad, just annoying pricks but withstandable...I know it depends on the person too. I am looking at getting one after my wedding at the end of August, so probably sometime in September. I already know what I want. Its going to me an armband and if I after that, I eventually want one on the back of my shoulder.

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