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Posts posted by ReconRat

  1. All Putin cares about is that Russia continues to have the naval base in Tartus, Syria. It's all that Russia has, just about anywhere in the world, and certainly all they have in the Mediterranean. Simple fact is that the Rebels et al. got too close to Tartus and Assad's troops got too weak. I also noticed the Russian troops secured the nearest Syrian arms depot. No sense having that get knocked off and used against them.


    Early reports insist that rebel TOW missiles are taking out Russian tanks. They are asking for MANPAD, shoulder launched anti-aircraft missiles. This could turn into a nasty little war.

    • Upvote 1
  2. All correct. It's all need for data based. I meant only that it is out there, if the effort is taken to try and find it. Camera data is only good for a few days, and public and private cameras have to be accessed in person, on foot, door to door. Expensive to do, and only done for certain investigations. I suspect the general public reviews their own data and offers it.


    Co-worker was home during the day in an area that was having some one take packages from the front doors. He has cameras. The motion detection goes off, and he opens his front door to find a woman trying to take his delivery. She gives a wrong address excuse, and he tells her about the camera and points to it. She looks right at the camera. Local PD was very happy to get that video.

  3. ...How many US presidents had no prior political experience?


    Presidents who had no prior political experience (state governor or US senate or house)


    George Washington - Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army

    Ulysses S. Grant - Commanding General of Union Army

    William Howard Taft - Secretary of War under Theodore Roosevelt (no military experience)

    Herbert Hoover - Secretary of Commerce under Warren G Harding and Calvin Coolidge (no military experience)

    Dwight Eisenhower - Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe


    Odds of a presidential candidate without prior military or US political experience or cabinet = very low (0 of 44) = 0%

    Odds of a presidential candidate as cabinet member with no prior military experience = also low (2 of 44) = 4.5%

    Odds of a presidential candidate without prior US political experience = also low (3 of 44) = 6.8%

    Odds of a presidential candidate without prior US military experience = low (11 of 44) = 25.0%

    Odds of a presidential candidate who was vice-president = medium (14 of 44) = 31.8%

    Odds of a presidential candidate who was a state governor = medium (17 of 44) = 38.6%

    Odds of a presidential candidate who was US house or senate = high (34 of 44) = 72.7%


    Presidents with no prior military experience:

    John Adams

    John Quincy Adams

    Martin Van Buren

    Grover Cleveland

    Woodrow Wilson

    Warren G. Harding

    Calvin Coolidge

    Hurbert Hoover

    Franklin D Roosevelt

    Bill Clinton

    Barack Obama

  4. License plate readers don't actively scan plates that aren't listed in a hot file. Meaning they are only scanning plates that have an active want/warrant.

    Sort of true. It has to scan the plate to see if it's in the hot file. Whether it keeps the data, I don't know.


    There are unmanned plate scanners on freeway or choke point locations that record continuously. I suspect those keep data.

    I have seen unmarked scanner vehicles cruising through parking lots checking or recording all plates. Probably DHS.

    I have also seen a portable scanner setup after an fatal accident, to look for the guilty party passing by later.

    (It had an unmarked vehicle standing by to keep the gear from being stolen.)

    And there are radiation detectors up and  down the I-95 corridor on the East Coast. Those use cameras also.

    Not even counting speed ticket cameras...


    Back in the 1990s, the FBI admitted access to an average 60 some cameras recording a typical commuter's drive into work in the morning. Banks, gas stations, parking lots, etc.


    It's a different world we live in... smile for the camera

  5. Sort of true. They still have to catch the right person on the bike. Reasonable doubt and all that. I have 2 people with M endorsements under my roof.

    Good point...


    edit: Just remembered that in Canada and Great Britain they would just take the vehicle anyway, regardless of who the operator was. Anyone remember when California dealt with street racing by taking the cars and crushing them?

  6. Funny how people think catholics aren't bibley enough when they basically assembled and edited the silly book in the first place.

    Almost, but not quite. Prior to printing, the hand written copies were produced in Hebrew for old testament and Greek for new testament. Written by Hebrew and Greek scholars, 400 to 800 years before the hand-written Catholic translation in Latin by St Josephe in 382AD. But yes, essentially the printed Gutenburg Bible in 1455, from the St Josephe translation would be the first mass produced. Even if it was only a few copies.But it was in Latin. The first English text was hand written in 384AD and was a radical/liberal translation from that first Catholic text by John Wycliffe in England, in opposition to the Catholic church. Which made the Pope angry, and he had John Wycliffe's grave dug up and his bones crushed. After that was the mass produced printed German translation by Martin Luther in 1522-1534. (Which also made the Pope angry.) Not translated from the Gutenburg, but rather direct from the original Greek and Latin. This German translation would lead to other versions of non-Catholic English bibles. From 1535 to 1611 various English translations were produced leading to the King James Version.


    By 500AD the Bible had been translated into over 500 languages.

    By 600AD the Catholic church did forbid all copies other than Latin.


    edit: And yes, in the 1880s, the 14 Apocryphal books were removed from Protestant Bibles, making it 66 books instead of the original 80 books of the Bible. No official reason was ever given.

  7. Don't forget that a lot of the newer OSHP cars have those forward facing license plate scanners. If he had been sitting in the right direction on the side of the freeway, he'd have gotten some of the plate numbers on the bikes before he even moved. It scans really quick, but don't know how well it would do with a group at those speeds. And he only has to pursue long enough to get a lock on the plate, and they can just go to your house and wait.

  8. I give up and ask, what's a decent duck hunting shotgun?


    Almost every duck in North America heads to Florida in the Winter. Need one down there. Huge duck hunting season. Non-toxic shot mandatory in Florida, for migratory. Don't much care about goose, I think. Interested in opinions...


    I should mention a strong probability that duck hunting would be from canoe, kayak, or flat bottom boat. At least to get into the swamp areas to find the ducks.


    Recoil not an issue, I have three old pump shotguns, all lead shot only. I know about bismuth and tungsten matrix, and would probably use one of the pumps for upland duty.


    Odd factoid, in Florida you can hunt wild boar almost all the time. But in small game season, you have to use a rimfire. (Insert laughter here.) And they won't let you hunt red squirrel, only grey.

  9. North end of 555 headed South on solo run. Small hardware store on the right side. Stack of 4x8 plywood sheets near road. A bit windy and stormy. Something didn't feel right and I pulled over quickly. Small tornado wannabe tore across the road in front of me rocking my bike. Half the stack of plywood sheets whipped across the road ahead of me where I would have been if I had continued.


    I think I subconsciously saw the disturbance in the air approaching. Mostly intuition. That hind brain thing.


    In my early days I had a one inch round rock come off a flat bed truck headed the same direction and hit me square between the eyes on my sunglasses (no shield). Moved my head to take the hit right there. No time for anything else. Damn near knocked me out.

    • Upvote 1
  10. News from Youngstown, Wednesday morning 1:40am.


    Of course, routing the ride past an OSHP with a crowd of high speed bikes didn't help any.



    Slowest bike is the one that gets targeted.

    I-680 & I-80 probably isn't the wisest place to be over the speed limit right now.


    Man arraigned for high speed motorcycle chase


  11. I still have two old brass Holley carbs that I refuse to get rid of. A 4150 and one of those economy 450? cfm units.


    3310s did have dual metering blocks

    This one looks like a 33102 or 3310-2

    3310s in not working or parts only condition on ebay go for 35 to 80

    Yours probably had 5271 metering blocks on it originally? (marking above model number)

    current Holley retail 393.95


    Holley R2519 R80321 (2300) 350cfm or 500cfm 2-barrel

    2519s in not working or parts only condition on ebay go for 35 to 50

    fits marine, 61-64 Ford truck, etc

    out of production? - still available


    Better clean these two up a bit, they look rough

  12. I read today in the BBC, an opinion that Americans have given up on politicians, and are leaning toward those candidates with no political experience. The polls tend to go along with that. I think there's only three running that weren't previously politicians, and their poll numbers are currently rising.


    How many US presidents had no prior political experience?

  13. oops.... so Hillary was in Columbus today, speaking on Women's Rights. News that I see quotes 8000 attendees with overflow on CC TV. But twitter is showing an empty room. No more than maybe 30-50 people... whoyagonnabelieve...


    edit: ok, Columbus Dispatch says 500. Most news sources are avoiding the subject of attendance. The video of the speech shows maybe 100. Unfortunately, it appears that many of those were press and staff. Sorry, but somebody is lying about the attendance. Probably everyone.


    edit: and I missed this one from 10TV: "On Thursday, the modest-sized ballroom in downtown Columbus was half empty, with Clinton supporters herded into a cordoned-off area to give the impression of a packed crowd."

  14. My Honda 919 manual says it doesn't charge below 3000rpm. That one time I left the key on, I ran in a lower gear at 4000rpm and higher to charge it back up. After the bump start. Bump starts work much better if you can get to a downhill slope. With the fuelie it seems like the speed has to be higher than back-in-the-day, to get it done. Might also take a few seconds to get current flowing to activate the fuel injection pump first.

  15. Typically, a tread separation wannabe will be ok at 70mph, barely. Run it up to 80mph and boom it goes.


    I've had it happen, and yes, it would usually be an older tire, regardless of the visible condition.


    Did it have any bouncy thump before it gave up?


    edit: Some pics have an embedded code that says which way is up. I usually turn it off if it acts up. Either in the camera or in the pic after. Haven't seen that happen for years.

  16. There was indeed some EPA years that bikes were super lean at idle to meet requirements. Typically to correct it, the carbs would be modified to function normally in a traditional method. Results of the manufacturers efforts varied, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a too lean condition effect choke function or start idle. It was also EPA illegal to perform most of those modifications.


    On the other hand, if one expects a choke circuit to function correctly, all aspects of normal carburetor function should be correct first. In addition, the traditional "all aspects of the electrical primary and secondary firing of the plugs should be correct first", before dealing with fuel delivery.

  17. One of my bikes has a 17tooth front instead of the 16 stock. I find it doggy off the start. And increased vibration on the road. It changed to road ratio, but pushed 6th gear cruise rpm down into a vibration range. Will change it back. A stock Honda front sprocket has a rubber dampener to kill vibration. Aftermarket sprockets will not have that.

  18. Ok, there wasn't any oil fuel or gas at that location. That was a false report last night. BBC is showing that it was an area of shipping containers and vehicle parking. Shipping transport. Also a building storing hazardous chemicals where the explosion happened. A 3 ton explosion and a 21 ton explosion. A 3 ton explosion can knock you down from the blast wave at a distance of 2 miles.




  19. In one of the other videos taken from somewhere closer, you can see a fence/wall of concrete panels thrown into the air.


    Early reports said explosives stored there. edit: In a shipping container. It's an fuel and gas tank farm. Bad combination.

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