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Posts posted by swingset

  1. 5 over the air channels, all Sandy Hook coverage... can we please start to move on or are we gonna keep showing nutcases that the world will stop for them?

    All but ensuring we'll have more copycats, rinse/repeat.

    Then we can blame a whole new set of villains once we go after guns.

  2. fact is the ccw kid could have "hoped and prayed" and done as much good.

    No, your hopeful opinion is...there's no fact in your sentence.

    It might have saved a few more lives, too, but you discount that as a possibility because it doesn't fit your narrative.

    Because you're a shivering pussy terrified of guns.

  3. And to hell with the media and their 24 hour exposure, much of the shit that goes down is their fault IMHO.

    That's the real disgusting reality...the media doesn't create sickos, but it feeds off of them and sensationalizes these crimes, creating a beacon for other people to copycat. They knowingly act towards making these mass killings into a circus, yet will turn around and attempt to fix the blame on a video game, or a gun, or something else that by itself cannot compel anyone to do anything.

    It just makes me so incredibly frustrated and sad that mass killings like this could be largely avoided, and everyone (except Magz) knows how, but we won't do it and worse keep repeating the climate that urges them on.


    • Upvote 1
  4. Why attack little kids? This makes no fucking sense.

    Outwardly, with most of us being sane, no it doesn't but from an angry sick person who's screaming to be noticed it does. If you're emotionally empty, self-destructive and apathetic towards everybody and everything....

    What to do?

    Well, we live in a society of 24/7 media-internet blitz over mass shootings....so you make a giant, sickening mess of murder and violence on your way out, and guess what? You're immortalized and remembered....made into an immediate world-wide celebrity and people can focus on your act, your pain, your statement.

    In a sickening way, it makes sense why these things keep happening and the frequency is getting more intense.

    We've always had people go off the reservation and kill lots of people (Bath 1927 school bombing, Charles Whitman, etc.) but now it's like when you're fucked up, you have a template for acting out...a sure-fire method to make the world feel your pain.

    We'll keep this going as long as we lap up the gore and broadcast it like a bloody reality show round the clock.

  5. I didn't want to go that far on here... some people's heads might explode.

    It works great when you have 4 million industrious white people in a tiny European country, and sucks giant donkey balls when half your country is on the dole and a good portion of those are lazy, dimwitted fucktards.

    I've lived in two countries with single-payer systems, and experienced the joy of their medical system.



    It turns into another sappy Mila Kunis "why don't you love me" movie.

    That's what you got out of it? I guess you missed the ending.

    I loved it, laughed my ass off. I guess I'm weird, I took it as one guy learning he has to grow up a little, and the his lady learning she can't change her partner without changing the good things too.

  7. Fleeing is a felony. That stays with you. Don't do it.

    Yup. I'd rather not have that dog me the rest of my life, give up my guns, etc.

    Ride like you have a fucking brain, and own up to your decisions...if you're gonna risk the ticket, then pull over when they tag you.

    No ticket, no reckless-op, nothing is going to be worse for you than felony evasion.

  8. I keep none chamber-loaded in the safe for many of the reasons outlined...if I have time to get in there, the 1 second to chamber a round won't make any difference.

    The cook-off worry is secondary and not much of a concern. If the safe is that hot, the contents are in serious trouble....as are the stores of ammo in there.

  9. The game is always changing. The forward pass had to be legalized, the goal post moved so people didn't kill themselves running into it, etc.

    When you actually think about this rule proposal - it would make the game very interesting strategically. Going for it instead of punting away, sneaks, blocked punts...it would add some excitement while still allowing for returns.

    Seriously, stop thinking traditionalism, and look at it from a sheer gameplay perspective. Schiano's idea is pretty damned cool actually.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Straight Talk uses the Verizon (prepaid) network. It's probably the best option for coverage. Not the top-tier Verizon network (with roaming) but no pre-paid offers that, that I'm aware of.

    I have Virgin which is $35/month unlimited data, 300 anytime minutes on the Sprint Network. Phones aren't cheap, new at least, but you can buy a like new Virgin android for $50-100 on Craigslist or fleabay. I have zero complaints, my phone is great (especially once you root/rom it).

  11. The peripheral choices are still choices, even if they're under the umbrella of a larger ownership. And, these are only the big store brands. Everywhere I go, even Walmart, there are other options besides these, alternative brands, etc.

    Or, you can go to niche markets, pay through the nose and completely escape The Man and his conformist food brands.

    It's also worth noting that many of those smaller brands might not even exist if they had been left to their own ability to compete. Being bought or consolidating brands offers the wider distribution and cost-control that a larger corporation brings them.

  12. I've been buying stuff from them for a while. Some good deals, but there's two big catches. You have to be super fucking fast, sizes and popular models are either in tiny supply to begin with, never available, or everyone pounces so buy fast if you see it and want it. I've logged in the instant I got the email to see things I wanted unavailable. Also, the shipping can be slow on some stuff...has averaged 3-4 weeks for me.

    LeftLane sports is another site similar to the Clymb, more stuff as a general rule and similar prices.

  13. Fun show and spectacle, but it's a lot funner when you get to use the range and blow up cars rather than watch someone else. There's usually a shoot the month after both Spring and Fall shoots, ARFcom has them posted in the KY Hometown forum.

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