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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. By "Flounder's girl" I'm assuming you mean his sheep?

    Oh man... Thems fightin' words...

    ...& 2 words. Sport bike.

    ...or is it sportbike? (Spell check doesn't like that one.)

    oh well... (Pouring another shot of Patron.)

  2. I'm changing the coolant in my R6. Mainly because the outer most hose off of the water pump has a cut in it. Not all the way through so there were no leaks. I have a new hose from the parts store cut to size but I cant for the life of me slide it onto the water pump nipple because its too tight.

    Can I lube the hose with anything?



  3. I just changed the oil in my R6 today. This weather is killing me! I need rear turn signals to ride... I'm thinking of getting the Hotbodies under tail. Good? Bad?


    My opinion is that oil does not go bad with age, it goes bad under compression/use. Think about it... If I change my oil fresh in the fall and put my bike away, It should be good to go in the spring. Right? What difference is it if the oil is sitting in my engine unused/fresh, or sitting in the jug at the parts store unused/fresh?


  4. Hey mang... I didn't read anything but the 1st few posts but I'm leaving in a second so I have to get this in...

    ANY way you go, your going to have to take the pan off. I would drill it out smooth the next size up, re-tap it, and put the next size plug in. No big deal. You will get shavings in the pan no matter what you do, that's why you have to take it off...

    Even a heli-coil will cut shavings off.

    I've done it on my civic... No big deal...

    I saw a guy drill one out once with the pan on and re-tap. No leaks. BUT, he thought that the oil filter would just catch the shavings... Wrong. Oil filters have a spring loaded valve that lets oil pass under high pressure...

    Do it right...

    If someone already said this... Sorry...

  5. Oh yes... I have a GPR on my R6 because of a bad tank slapper I had one time... I had to go right home & change my underwear...

    Basically the front end comes off the ground under heavy throttle ( be 1/4 inch or 1 foot, or full wheelie) and when it comes back down, its not aligned properly throwing the bar around...

    The damper will allow you to "stiffen" up the bar and prevent very quick left and right "jerks"... Allowing you to lessen the effects of a miss aligned front end, and re-gain control of head shake/tank slap faster...

    Here are a couple:



  6. I wave at everyone. I hate to dog on Harley riders, but those guys will look right at you waving, and turn their heads straight ignoring you. I've made a point to flick off a couple in the past. Like they don't want anyone to see them waving at someone less macho than them, er something... Sportbikes and other types always wave back.

  7. I always go through the drive through... McD's, (sometimes) but usually BurgerKing. If I am passing by a White Castle I'll go there every time though. I'd never go there for lunch but they actually have good breakfast sandwiches, and their coffee is the best out of all the fast food places. I always get an egg & cheese on toast. It's not like McD's greesy McSandwich. Its actually real toast, with a real egg, just like you would make at home...

  8. I use the ones for shooting as well... They have a hole in the center with a diaphragm that lets some sound in. Casual speech passes through but sounds above a certain DB are blocked. Like these:




    I have used earphones for my IPOD. I even have a double backing Velcro strip on my bike so I can control volume and forward songs. (Yes it works through my gloves.)

    But, I realized that I had to turn up the volume to overpower the wind noise. So I had the wind + a blasting IPOD which I'm sure was doing harm. When I pulled up to a light, the sound was so loud it hurt.

  9. If you just want to know a place to have it done, Mid-Ohio in Mount Vernon used to be pretty good. They have some decent service techs. Otherwise, no place in Columbus is referred to from what I ever hear. Especially street bikes.


    I can only speak for Mid-Ohio and another place that rhymes with finds, and blinds...

    I will go back to Mid-Ohio for anything I need help with. Those guys know what their doing.

    I will never go back to the other place for service, ever. Myself and 2 other friends had horrible service work done there. 1 friend had his carbs synced there and to this day has never run right...

  10. and it took right off, and it took a while of running on its own at 5000 rpm before the choke had any effect, then a while longer before the throttle did anything. but deffenitly glad its running again. :)

    Running on its own at 5000? Weird throttle? ...Kinda sounds like a vacuum leak. Maybe heat from running sealed it back up.

    Keep an eye/ear our for revving at stop lights (at normal operating temps) without touching the throttle.

    Just a thought... sounds like my buddies YZF1000..

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