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Posts posted by OSUYZFR1

  1. Since we've gotten an iPad, we've almost completely stopped using the desktop. It's probably my favorite tech toy in the house.

    +1. Have even used it to rdp into work while out to run SQL scripts. First one I bought was wifi only was too cheap to pay for data plan. Changed my mind when the new one came out and got a data plan. Wouldn't go without it now. Its so convenient.

  2. Craps dealers (or croupiers, learned something new today :) ) don't really have to keep track of a whole lot since there are 2 of them, not including the stick and the pit boss that counts the money. All they have is their own side of the table to contend with.

    Compared to blackjack they do. I agree its just basic math but the payouts are different for each set of numbers. Eight players bets and if you know what you're doing you have quite a few bets going at once. Pass line plus odds, come bets plus odds on top of my street bets, as well as occasional hard way bets although those are handled by the stickman.

  3. Went last week and only played blackjack and yes the dealers suck. About everything they should do well they suck at. Slow shuffling, dealing, basic math, etc. Can't imagine the craps dealers with everything they need to keep track of, lol. Only good thing was I won 250.00. :) I still don't like gambling in these regional casinos though. The clientele and atmosphere is nothing like Vegas.

  4. Does your tracking # still show today for delivery? Mine is in Memphis still.

    Mine too. Mine is being shipped std overnight which I would guess most if not all are. They did my 4S that way also. I'm guessing but keeping them all together an shipping overnight makes it easy to prevent people from getting them early.

  5. Thanks man. Yeah I was just shaking my head as I went past the guy on the ZX-10.

    Tried the shift between carousel and front straight a few times. I have to think about it right now so it's not smooth. Once it becomes natural I'm sure it will help as I'm kinda tentative rolling into the throttle in 2nd there.

    I really went wide with the instructor on that lap as I was trying like hell to keep you guys in sight but I hear what you are saying. :)

    Suspension was awesome after you set it up for me. I ran faster than I ever have and mid-corner I'm thinking I could have went faster. Once I get used to the speed sensation I think my times will drop some more.

    Thanks again for all your help!!

    Awesome vids, man. That muscle head guy on the ZX10 really ought to be kicked in the skull for that pit move he made. All the way outside and waved as you were hot into 14 and then he crosses the race line and pits.

    Had he done that to me, I would have chewed his ass out raw. Fucking stupid dangerous.

    But, all and all, really cool stuff. Good to see your times are coming down and the lines are really good. I think if you do that upshift in between the carousel and front straight, you will drop a couple of tenths.

    I like the keyhole line, but as shown by the instructor passing under you, it is a bit too wide too early. Maybe stay in tight more and then drift out to drive sooner. We can go over it if ya wanna on the 1st.

    You're really coming along. How'd the suspension feel later in the day as you got faster?

  6. Nice. Got my tracking info this morning. To be delivered on Friday by 3pm. I didn't stay up till 3am to order though :)

    Woohoo I guess I iz Winnar then. Mine left Memphis yesterday and Louisville early today.
  7. Call me whatever you want but I'm one of those people. I will buy every new iphone and ipad that comes out. I won't camp out or stay up all night to get one though. There are millions like me. Everyone has there own reasons why they want it. I don't care what the reasons are just glad they are buying. :)

    The only thing that I have to laugh at...is the lemming effect that Apple has created. The 4s does everything a person needs, but here comes the 5 that really doesn't bring much change to the table, and said person HAS to have because it's the latest Apple iDevice. Add to that, camping out for 24+ hours to get it. I just SMH.

  8. My R1's forks are this way also. Seems to be they way things are moving towards now.

    I am liking this bike, but not sure what to make of the fork setup. Are any other bikes using this configuration:


    ... Big Piston-Separate Function Fork (BP-SFF). Like the previous generation BPF, damping circuits are controlled by a large-diameter piston, but, in this version, damping takes place only in the right-side fork leg, with rebound- and compression-damping adjusters conveniently located at the top of the fork tube. Spring preload is adjusted at the top of the left tube.

  9. Tough question to answer since no one knows what demand will be compared to how stocked the supply chain will be. I can say they have gotten tons better at filling the pipeline with product at launch times but you never know. They are predicting this will be the biggest upgrade cycle ever for the iphone since many skipped the 4s. Analysts predicting 10million sold first week. Who knows. If you know which one you want just preorder and have it delivered to your house. I got my 4s the day they were released and you can activate them yourself.

    Either way if you switch, you'll see why everyone sticks with them. No reboots, no need to pull the battery to reset it, no lockups, etc. LOL.

    Ok a question for all you Iphone fanboys, esp the ones that insist on the newest one out every time and forgo food and sex with multiple stippers to wait in line or on line to get the newest one as soon as preorder starts............Do I have to preorder? Cant I just go to the Verizon store and pick one up next Fri? Web says in stores next Friday. I use an independent Verizon retailer not a corporate store too if that changes things.

    My droid is on its last leg and I am switching, dont know how much longer mine will keep working so want to get it sooner than later but would rather go pick it up from my guy at the store. Thoughts from the experts?

  10. LOL, What makes you think this? Apple not a big enough company? Not enough financial resources? Apple is very calculated in what they do, if they can prevent Samsung from selling copies in the US it will end the droid here. Samsung is the only company selling any kind of volume to compete with the iphone in the states. We will see in December when the injunction ruling comes out. Like them or not, they are doing things no company has done in my lifetime.

    BTW, I am long aapl. :D

    I will say it again for ya, Apple has not and cannot take on Google ITSELF.

  11. When I preordered the 4s, it came to my house the day it was released. They must have agreements with ups/FedEx to get them out the same day. I'm going to preorder the 5 also.

    It sounds pretty good but I was expecting/hoping for something drastically different from the 4s. Other than 4g I haven't heard anything that makes it significantly better, but correct me if I missed something.

    It says preorder start the 14th and ship the 21st. So would it arrive at Verizon the 21st, or a few days later ?

  12. Don't think it's high. I got pulled over a couple years ago by state patrol in Dublin for the same thing and the ticket was 125.00. The guy was a dick about it. I just paid it and moved on.

    Reminds me of a story from way back. Had a buddy get pulled over in his BMW for this by another state patrol and as we wait for the cop to write him the ticket he says 'pimping ain't easy' and I replied back 'or cheap'. :)

    How about this question... Can anyone tell me if the $115 is the norm or if it was higher than typical? I am not going to fight it, I guess from talking to friends and what you all have mentioned. But, I also don't want to pay at the high end of the spectrum because I got short with the guy once he decided to cite me.

    I suppose I should have kept quiet and maybe he would have cited me for something else that was cheaper or something... Dunno... $115 seems a little high. I think my dad paid something like $75 last year...

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