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Posts posted by CBBaron

  1. How often the oil need to be changed on these things?

    Nice thing about the WR250X is 3000mile oil changes, 26k valve checks and fuel injection. Much better than the race enduros. Ofcourse its also a little heavier and down considerably on power compared to those.

    I see it as a nice balance, between the powerful high maintenance race bikes from KTM and Husky and the heavy simpler street legal bikes from the Big 4.


  2. I have an LCR .38 but have not carried yet.

    I need to get to the range more to get comfortable with my abilities before I will try carrying.

    I liked the snub nosed revolver for the simplicity and reliability, while still being very small and light. And the LCR just felt much more comfortable in my hand tha the S&W Airweights.


  3. Disney is a good sized city near Orlando. It includes Disney World, Animal Kingdom, Epcot and Hollywood Studios. In addition there are water parks, hotel resorts, golf courses, Downtown Disney, condos, etc. This is all on Disney property which is bigger than many cities.

    In addition in the area is Universal Studios (including the Harry Potter land), Seaworld and numerous other attractions.

    The beach is over an hour drive from Orlando but is an option.

    Be aware that going during the holidays the parks will be PACKED, PACKED, PACKED. Sometimes it was difficult just to walk around when we went last Christmas. If you can go in October or early November. You will avoid the summer heat and have much smaller crowds.

    Also be aware you will spend a fortune. Ticket prices make CedarPoint seem like a bargain. :eek:

    Take advantage of the FastPass. It is a feature not a cost add on like other parks. You take your tickets to the popular ride you want and feed a machine and get passes for the ride sometime later. Then you can come back at that time and wait ~5min instead of 1hr. The catch is you can only FastPass a new ride once an hour and you have to go to the entrance to the ride to reserve your pass.


  4. Unless it is quite old, a handgun should not 'go off' from being dropped. Usually what causes it to discharge is the person trying to catch it and inadvertently snagging the trigger...


    That is what I would suspect happen, he probably trying to remove some blame from himself by claiming otherwise. Or he could be slightly confused himself by what happened because it happened so fast. :rolleyes:

    Still either way he was negligent in his handling of the firearm and was very lucky that the only one injured was himself.


  5. I dont see any problem leaving space between cars and I wouldnt suggest moving into that space.

    However I get real annoyed by people not pulling up onto magnetic sensors at stop lights. There are quite a few that will not change if there is no vehicle. And when a vehicle stops way back from the intersection the light will not change.

    I cant believe the number of people that have not figured out those sensors yet. I remember in my MSF course a girl stating "I've never seen one of those before" :eek:

    As for the left turn lane. Often it is not a bad idea to hang back a little ways, especially on a bike. A truck turning onto the road in the opposite direction will often cut the corner pretty hard. Definitely a dangerous position for a vehicle if unaware.


  6. Good to know, just trying to gather all info i can.

    Also thinking about putting a set of these on http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/419/?gclid=CJuq8tjY2rECFQEUKgodAFQA0w

    protects, plus i like the utility look of it. I ask nate for a quote but it will be several weeks before i can pick them up.

    I have those crash bars on my DL650. They have saved me some damage in a couple of tip overs. However a skid plate is a good idea if you plan much gravel or logging roads as the oil filter is very exposed. And most of those attach to the crash bars with a specific interface. So make sure you can use the skid plate you want with the crash bars you are interested in.


    If you want the premium option Alt Rider bars and skid plates are very well made and priced that way :eek:


  7. Hi,

    I'm just got my Ohio DMV motorcycle manual and will soon test for the temporary permit. I would welcome some opinions on a couple of things.

    - Should I go ahead and take the Basic Riding Course, having never operated a motorcycle, as Ohio seems to suggest, or would it be better to ride a little bit in order to have a basic skill level shifting gears and braking properly, before taking the course?

    - I've read many places that a 250cc bike is a good beginner bike. I have an opportunity to buy a Honda Shadow 750 at a good price, but I'm concerned that this might be too much bike for a beginner. I'm only 5'7" and 170 lbs.

    Any thoughts would be welcome.

    Bad guy

    If you are a confident bicycle rider and have driven a machine with a clutch (manual auto, tractor, etc) then the Basic Rider Course is a good place to learn to ride a motorcycle. Thats how I did it.

    A Shadow 750 is probably a good starting bike if you like cruisers. Its much lighter than the average cruiser and has reasonable power. Most of the 250cc cruisers are pretty limiting once you get comfortable riding though they are easier to learn on. Most of them do not have enough power if you want to get on the freeway.

    The 250cc sport bikes (CBR250R and Ninja 250) and dual sports (WR250r, klx250s, etc) are great bikes to start on. These have a little more power and speed for the size than the cruisers.

    If you buy used you can usually resell your first bike in a year or 2 for nearly what you paid for it. This is a great investment for starting out. I see so many new riders say they dont want to out grow their first bike to fast and have to upgrade. I dont get that. The small bikes are usually much cheaper than the larger models and if you get a used model you can resell when you are ready and then move up. By that point you are much more likely to have a better feel for what is important to you in a bike and be more confident and less likely to drop either of them.

    Welcome to OR.


  8. We got a Casino now, if your into that.

    The Westside Market is kind of interesting if you are looking for unusual foods. It is right across from Great Lakes Brewing. Also in the neighborhood is Garden Market Brewing and Bier Markt for beer lovers.

    Next to the R&R hall is a WW2 sub (USS Cod) and the Science Center.

    Out in University Circle is a pretty good Art Museum and Natural History Museum.


  9. And the fact that its the same motor is what lured me to the strom, I already know it top to bottom. Funny how the is almost a 40 hp difference though

    Where did you get the 40hp difference?

    Specs I find put the DL1000 at 105hp and the TL1000S at 125. Thats 20hp by my math :D



    Still a significant difference but not 40hp.

    They did a similar detuning to the DL650 from the SV650.


  10. welcome....

    when I hear Middlefield, I think "winkies"

    might be interested in winery run, I'll check out the info

    Well there is a large Amish community in the township however Amish are still the minority. :D

    Thats the town I grew up in and my parents and in-laws still live there.

    Welcome to the OR board Muddy. I will get out to another GPS ride some time. And next time I wont skip the "special" section :D


  11. Why are you wearing a jacket was the sleeveless shirt at the cleaners?:D

    Yes, normally I would have looked out of place at the Dragon, however it was cool and raining all day so the riders that were out were all dressed. :D

    Notice the rain and wet roads in the picture.

    Interestingly enough there were no sportbikes and far fewer cruisers than normal. Mostly adventurer and touring bikes.


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