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Posts posted by wagner

  1. Wagner, you said:


    "You've got people on one side screaming the sky is falling and we have to take these extreme measures."


    DeWine and Acton are saying we need to take these extreme measures. You characterize that as them "screaming that the sky is falling," yet you say that's not propaganda.


    Square that, please. Leave cable news out of this. Is our governor pushing propaganda?


    Again, did I say they were? No, you're putting that in there to frame your "argument"


    The governor isn't pushing propaganda, he's stating facts from the data that has been given to him. They are putting it out there in a thoughtful way.


    Meanwhile the media churned out stories about massive body counts and so on. When you mix that in with the actual facts that it's no happening people are going to queston what's going on and get pissed.


    That has now led us to where we are, people don't want to believe what DeWine is saying because of the over hype that happend.


    So, just so we are 200% clear and you can't put any words in my mouth:


    DeWine = good facts and logic.

    General media = trash

  2. I have a friend who's an allergist (MD), I have a friend who manages a pediatric practice, I have a friend who's a pediatric nurse. The doctor's business is basically dead, the pediatric practice is basically dead, the nurse has had her hours cut to almost nothing.


    I also have a friend who's an ER doc at Riverside. His kids have barely seen him in weeks. He's a walking zombie.


    COVID-19 hasn't caused a run on boob jobs, whether or not you're getting laid off in the medical field right now kinda depends on whether or not you're actually involved in the COVID-19 battle.




    Christ, again with "media propaganda."


    DeWine and Acton say that we (Ohio) are running low on PPE, they say that we don't have enough tests. They say that it looks like we've kept the surge under our capacity but that we have to be vigilant.


    That's it. From the source. Direct. I'm not sure why you think media propaganda is brainwashing everyone who listens to our leadership directly. There's literally no media involved.


    Did I say that the facts being presented by DeWine and Acton are propaganda? Here's a hint, I didn't.


    It's your "cable news" networks and other outlets that just kick out the jams of bullshit trying to push the panic along. I pointed out on social media how CBS used the EXACT SAME file footage about all the hospital deaths in Italy and the United States. When they got called out on it they said it was a "mistake".


    I can tell you for a fact that at least 2 people looked at that story and the footage before it was pushed out, they don't care, it's about getting viewers.


    The fact is that this is bad in some areas and not as bad in others. The news is just pushing the panic along to keep people glued to the TV. I refuse to watch that bullshit. I get my info from the DeWine updates and go about my day.


    It's going to be very interesting to see how much this country is changed after all of this is said and done. Maybe people will start to use common sense for an extended amount of time...

  3. I don't think that's a fair characterization. There are hospital systems that are completely overwhelmed. There's still a massive shortage of PPE and testing. That's real world data, not propaganda.


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    So my friends that are in the medical field that are being laid off because where they are isn't "overwhelmed" are lying? Others that are dealing with the same thing are just making it up to be cool?


    Now, there are pockets that are completely overwhelmed and that is a documented fact. Look at good old NYC as that example.


    So yes, there are some systems that are overwhelmed, but this propaganda that the media is pushing doesn't add up for ALL areas.

  4. I agree. and if there is a 2nd wave of lockdowns the dissention will only be worse. We can see that tension building even in this very thread.


    That tension is all over the place and when it lets go things are going to get ugly. You've got people on one side screaming the sky is falling and we have to take these extreme measures. On the other side, you have those seeing the real-world reports and data about hospitals that are empty and the system isn't being overwhelmed.


    It's not a good situation at all and there's no correct answer. The call has been made to burn down the house to kill the spiders so we just have to ride it out and try not to get burnt.


    Wait until football gets delayed/canceled...

  5. My problem with that video saying that China has been showing good signs of recovery is that China is an exporter which means they build things and they sell it to us. We on the other hand are a consumer economy which means it will take us longer because we need people earning money and consuming (chinese goods) and domestic services. My region here at Myrtle Beach and South Carolina in general is going to be hit very hard because the area is 90% or more hospitality, restaurants, and entertainment. My county does about $2.5 billion in tax revenue for the area and state so its gonna be fun here the next couple years.


    That's something that wasn't addressed in the video. I trust The Economist overall based on their reputation, we used them as a source a lot in grad school.


    It's a scary time for sure and I don't think there's a way to really quantify the level of impact this is going to have in the long run. This is a Chernobyl type situation, the initial explosion is horrific and then the lingering problems just keep the pain coming.

  6. With about 80% of cases being mild and that number definitely higher do to under-reporting and asymptomatic cases I don't see the problem. CDC confirms around 60 million people got swine flu so I would expect a similar number will get this at some point over the next year or two.


    With that in mind I can't see the world being put on hold until sometime in 2021. If we did the world as we know it wouldn't be here to come back to and there would be a long road to rebuild.


    The world will already be different at this point, we're just rolling for bonus damage at this point. It's only a matter of time before people really start to turn against the restrictions and the real trouble starts.

  7. I raced RC off road cars and trucks for many years, worked at a hobby shop for many as well.


    My advice for what you want to do is get a Slash. That is the best bang for your buck deal out there. Massive aftermarket, tough as nails, plenty of parts, easy to work on.


    You can run the stock Traxxas electronics and just have fun bashing in your backyard. I would suggest going with a lipo setup if you can swing it.


    If you have any questions at all let me know.

  8. Thanks for posting this. I believe the media drives so much of this panic. They really seem to focus on the small percentage of those that are having major issues with it.


    It's been a very interesting study in journalism to see how the media has covered this. There's 110% no doubt this is a very deadly virus that should be taken seriously, but there are certain outlets that have really made things worse.


    I was trained as a journalist by two people that have been collectively writing for over 30 years. They told me the same thing all the time: just report the facts, if you don't have the facts either don't put something in writing or be careful how you portray what you're saying.

    My cousin who was a long-time news producer for Channel 4 told me the same thing as well.


    Here's the problem I see from a professional level: The media started right off the bat pushing this thing as the next big plague that was going to wipe humanity off the face of the earth. Now, are people dying, yes, is their suffering yes, but not to the level the media portrayed.


    Some will say it was "necessary" for them to be so stern and serious. I agree, there's a certain level of caution that needed to be put out there. The problem is, they took it too far and then weaponized the political side of it rather than just sticking to facts. This is just how the media works these days.


    Now, all of this had lead to a huge uptick in social media experts and quasi-media posting some crazy stuff on Facebook and twitter that people thing is the truth. That has lead to bad comparisons becoming the truth in many people's eyes and kicked off the "film your hospital" movement. Sure, go to some BFE county hospital where you have a single reported case and you won't see bodies in the street. Go to the right hospital in NYC or Lousiana and you're going to see some serious shit.


    The other issue is these models that were put out there as the gospel and showed this virus was going to kill everyone and overwhelm hospitals across the country haven't panned out. This is in my opinion of reckless reporting and has caused a lot of issues and angst.


    TL;DR --- This is a bad situation being made much worse by the new media.

  9. Tim, picking a date is a dumb comment. You're not accelerating progress...just increasing the risk of more damage by telegraphing an artificial "all-clear" for the wrong reasons.


    We all want/NEED to get back to work, but if social distancing will flatten the infection/death curve then I'll maintain faith in our state/local leadership. Anyone of you that suggests/acts differently risks your life and others, plain and simple. Yes, we're not going to eliminate the total risks but I've got a baby and elderly family members I'm thinking about.


    In the near future (hopefully shorter than the 12-18 months we're being told), we'll have a vaccine for this like we do for flu/shingles/etc...I'm just hoping we get effective treatments to bridge the gap between now and when we've developed a solution to live with this virus. Again, WE have to trust our leadership on timing when it's safe to go out. I've been very encouraged by how Ohio has managed this process and will continue to listen.


    All the "pandemic experts" in this thread...please sit down.


    I get what you're saying, but my professional experience with local/state/federal officials tells me that the last thing we should do is put faith in them.


    Ohio seems to be ahead of this more than most. People are just freaking out because of the economic damage being caused and the fact that the fear-mongering media statistics aren't being met. Now people are out filming hospitals and pissed because they aren't overflowing with sick people.


    I'm not a pandemic expert by any stretch, I'm just doing as I'm asked and not leaving my house unless I have to. I just see a lot of other people totally ignoring what's being asked fo them and then bitching they have to stay in lockdown longer.


    The biggest kick to the gut is that this is going to cause me to be unemployed and by the time it finally happens there won't be any resouces for me so I'm going to be 100% screwed.

  10. Our first show debuted last night, this has been an INSANE ride. We worked 12 days straight to get this project off the ground and it feels good to see it begin.


    I was able to even get someone from CR on the first show too :fuckyeah:


    1 down, 39 more to go...


  11. Since the racing world has ground to a stop we had to bring these shows to market quicker than planned. Last Monday I was told my job role was changing and I had to jump in on this project.


    From nothing to developed shows in 7 days was crazy. I had zero experience with any of this and was told I was in charge. Hopefully this will get some legs and work out.






    We'll get through this. The human race has survived much worse.




    Everything within my own personal world is literally falling apart because of this virus. What I do for a living has been effectively stopped and there is no real end in sight because even after restrictions are lifted the tidal wave from the economic impact will wreck the industry.


    I'm not worried, I can only do my job the best I can. I've actually been tasked with trying to help save an area of our business. My role has been totally changed, being asked to do things I've never done before, but at least I have some control. I also know that what I'm doing is critical in not only saving my job, but that of several others.


    These are tough times, you have to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

  13. I picked up a new to me trailer. Right now all the title offices are closed, and I cannot find any details on line about this. I am hearing that I need a weight slip from a scale when I transfer the title to my name. I didn't need one the last time, but I've heard this from a number of people. Can anyone confirm this? Does anyone know any details about what is required? I'd rather not make multiple trips to the title office. I assume the lines will be quite long when they open back up, so if I can get it done in one shot that would be great. If it matters the trailer is 28' enclosed, so it's over 4000 lbs.


    The title office had me register mine as commercial to avoid the weight slip. If you are going to register it as non-commercial you will need a weight slip.

  14. It truly isn't good for your mental health to perseverate on this stuff. Turn it off and go outside.


    Yep, don't even bother watching the bullshit anymore. My wife is a CNN addict so I just leave the room when that junk is on*.



    **please note I'm not a fan of any cable news, fake news, talking head, influencer, or other non-bias media outlet.**

  15. My home office is going almost 100% work remote and we were told "tough decisions are coming". I'll probably be unemployed before summer officially begins.


    police being told not to do anything unless it's a felony, many minor crimes are to be ignored. This is advertised as happening in Philly and I have a friend who is LEO in Missouri and he confirmed this that works in a big jurisdiction.


    Remember those people who laughed about some of us having firearms and ammo?

  16. Crazy, We have finally been told to work from home at my job.




    Also last weekend I went to Jegs and couldn't believe how busy they were. from when I took a number to when I got help it was just about an hour. I guess everyone is taking the time off work to finish their projects finally.


    Well, get the parts while you can because the high-performance industry is going to be forever changed after this. The whispers I'm hearing from people in the right places is this is going to impact the industry by a minimum of 30% and that's being optimistic. There's going to be a lot of companies that won't survive and tracks are already ceasing operations.


    I think you're going to see the COMP and Holley groups grow after all of this is done. They are going to have just enough money to survive. After that, they will go in and buy up the smaller companies that die and fold them into what they do.

  17. Now here's something that's interesting. Racer/business owner I know posted this on Facebook. The story was backed up by several other people who had similar experiences,one of them is a co-woker of mine...


    Original post:


    "An acquaintance of mine just spent 4 months in Thailand. So obviously with all the crazy going on he had concerns regarding re-entry into the U.S.. He IS a U.S. Citizen. He was checked (very briefly and superficially) in Thailand before boarding the plane. Upon arrival he went right thru customs just like he had the other hundred times he's traveled abroad. No checking, no testing, no questions, no debriefing, no instructions, no self quarantine NOTHING!!

    Now maybe it's just me. But I feel something's very wrong here."


    Responses from my coworker


    "Same thing happened coming into LAX from UK yesterday. They had to fill out a paper asking them if they have the coronavirus....and never took the paper from them"

  18. NHRA has shut everything down for the next 30 days at least. All of their events and tracks are shut down, races are being "postponed" but they won't be back.


    South Eastern Gassers Association just nixed its event but it's what they had in their announcement that's interesting.


    "Several things helped make the decision, one example was Steve Bright who works for the Defense department was told / requested that him and his family could not leave the state. Angela Blackwell our girl in the tower that we can't do without was told by her real job that if she left the state she would have to be home quarantined at for 14 days before returning to work"

  19. This car makes an advertised 3,500 horsepower, that's just nuts. There's in-car footage out there of this thing driving around that Viper like it's tied to a tree stump and that's as the viper is ripping off a 200 mph run...


  20. Has anyone heard about any crazy rumors??? Perhaps from anyone aquainted with the national guard??


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    I've seen the Facebook rumors and I've also seen people in the military say they know nothing about it.

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