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Posts posted by FZRMatt

  1. Sure. Just tell them the guy in the house robbed a Krispy Kreme. Justice will be serverd. Sweet toasty justice. :D

    I know I am feeding into the stereo type, but I love Krisyp Kreme (Dunkin' Donuts too!) Damn it! I just got out of bed and now I'm hungry! You all SUCK!!

  2. I'm curious...having a front plate makes it possible to locate people without having to 'flip' on every vehicle? Hhhmmm...when you get your BOLO popping up on your computer screen, don't you have more than just a plate number? Given this, do you not instinctually pick out vehicles matching the description by their year, make, model, and color FIRST? Then you might start looking at a plate once a generally matching one is found.

    It's like getting a BOLO on a person. Sure you have their name, but do you go around asking every person you see their name or make them all show you their ID? No, you start by matching the easiest things to narrow down your search first. Sex, weight, appearance, features, etc. The same goes for vehicles, does it not?

    I'm not exactly buying into the thought that front plates really help with catching rapists, murderers, etc.

    Just sayin'.

    Nothing "pops up" on the computer. Usually if there is a BOLO, it is read by the dispatcher over the radio one time during the shift it was received. If it happens to be read during 1 of the 14 hours that I don't work in the day, or on my 3 days off, I don't get the information. If I am lucky, I may catch another officer discussing it before roll call starts. If I do catch that conversation it usually goes something like this: "Smoke is said to be hiding out on 2 precinct. I was told he is driving his sisters dark color Camry but I don't have a tag number. His sister's name is _____."

    It turned out that he was. "Smoke" had warrants for multiple murders and was stopped in a head on traffic stop (nose to nose). This is the most dangerous traffic stop an officer will ever make. Had the officer not been able to air the front tag information and get back up, "Smoke" may have been able to use the loaded 9mm he had sitting on the seat next to him to commit another murder.

  3. You wouldn't expect a firefighter to run into a burning building without beign properly equipped, right? Why would you send him in the water without gear?

    No, you wouldn't send the firefighters in a burning building without equipment, because everyone loves the firemen. That's when you send in the cops. They're expendable! Right?;)

    • Upvote 1
  4. fuck everything you just said.

    the day they start putting black boxes in all cars is the day i never buy another newer car again.

    i will not have big brother tracking my every movement while im driving, especially not voluntarily. fuck that.

    i wouldnt even buy some newer GM cars because the onstar cant be removed (the hardware) without other stuff in the car being affected

    They have been around for years.

  5. :lol:..........wait, :gasp:.......:lol:

    Is it really that hard to look at the back of the car instead of the front there bucko? Your argument is completely retarded.

    Spoken like a person who will be the first to jump down an officers throat when they have an accident. Ever tried driving in the opposite direction of the car you are trying to get the tag of in traffic and typing on a computer while driving? Nothing retarded about it! Actually makes perfect sense.

  6. I vote for front plates for motorcycles! Now THAT would be interesting. gb_tv2003.jpg

    In as far as the catching criminals, if I'm looking for a suspect vehicle and it's near the area it was reported in, the chances of another like vehicle around will be minimal, so I better start making the u-turn at that point.

    I don't agree. The last 2 big arrests that I have been involved in (one with warrants for multiple murders and the other for a rape that just occurred), were actually in the same area, and both driving Toyota Camrys. Camrys are a dime a dozen and lots of the same color.

  7. ^this

    I agree, just charge whatever it costs for the plates. No, I don't think front plates look nice, but it does help catch criminals. At worst, charge at cost and allow us to take it as a tax deduction and people will get over it.

    Be glad that Ohio isn't like other states that charge tag fees based off of the value of the car. When my brother lived in Indiana (early to mid 90's) he had a Ford Tempo and it was $500 for the tags on that thing.

  8. I don't have a front plate on my truck. I bought it in Michigan, and it didn't have the plate bracket/holder. I've been too lazy and cheap to buy the holder. I got pulled over a few weeks ago and the police officer didn't say anything about it, and yes he saw the front of my truck first then pulled me up for speeding...let me off with a warning.

    I don't think it makes a difference at all having a front plate. I can't think of a time I, or anyone I know, was pulled over head on where the front plate would/could be read.

    If it doesn't matter to you then put one on. It does make a difference to us. A front plate makes it possible to locate stolen vehicles and arrest the thieves without being behind them. Every day, you are driving among rapists, murderers, dope dealers,...etc. Front tags make it possible to locate these people without having to "flip" on every vehicle that matches the description of a vehicle that the bad guy drives. An officer is not required to write a ticket for not having a front tag (or any violation for that matter), but it does give us the automatic ability to stop, ticket, and arrest (if necessary) if you don't have one. I haven't written a no front tag ticket since I was ordered to on coaching, but I have made several stops and arrests for not having one.

  9. Alright hell with it... I went to bed pissed about it and am still pissed about it. I'm going to clean it up a bit and take out a lot of the detail from the original.

    Longggg story short...

    A good friend of mine has been with this former stripper for 3 years. She has a 3 year old from another guy and they have a 1 year old. She hasnt worked since they got together. My buddy paid for everything.

    Last Thursday she turned up missing. Due to no help from the Akron PD my buddies and I took matters into our own hands and found her. She took the kids and ran off to FL to be with some guy she met off Face Book. She covered a lot of her tracks but not all of them... Her dad who she was currently living with until my buddy and her got a place together. Called the car in stolen. They got the car but did not get her...

    My buddies in shock over all this. They were fine last Wednesday night while she was at his place. Then poof gone... It turns out she stole $600 bucks from his house. This is what she used to get down to FL She took none of her personal belongings, nor any of her childrens.

    My better half and I would watch the kids and she was constantly buying toys/cloths/misc for the kids. A custody battle is about to start and I dont think she knows it. Granted I have a feeling shes going to try and continue to run. Moral to the story "dont try to make a whore a housewife".

    I dont have any pics, when this is done if he has any "good pics" I'll get them and throw them everywhere.

    What help was Akron P.D. suposed to be? I know cops are good for banging strippers, but that obviously isn't the case. There is nothing for them to do. She is an adult runaway, not missing. She has every right to leave with the kid. She can prove that the kid came from her. It is more difficult proving it came from him. The moral of the story is Keep Your Dick Out Of Strippers!! You start out paying to see it, and you end up paying to get rid of it!

  10. Two days ago I had a guy deliberately hit me with his ranger on 244 in akron. I punched his mirror off and pulled away while a good Samaritan ran him off the road in an F-250, giving me plenty of escape time. Didn't have a chance to get a plate number, I was too focused on squeezing all of the 34 horses out of my bike to get away from this asshole.

    I deal with shit almost once week commuting in akron, people merging into me, tailgating, cutting me off deliberately, but this is the first time i've ever actually made contact with a car at interstate speeds. 2 years of riding in Indianapolis, and i had ONE car swerve at me.

    I really hate this town. I can deal with inattentive drivers, but down right homicidal drivers are something completely different.

    In this case call 911 and get that prick lo led up for Aggravated Vehicular Assault.

  11. Good point on the airbags. I'll try to find that out. I believe it will give that information in a carfax report but I'd like to avoid the $35 if I can.

    Honda would never certify a car with a rebuilt title but I just took it to mean that a dealership went over the car and couldn't find anything wrong with it, so that's a good thing.

    We paid the money for Carfax about 9 years ago (the 1year unlimited version) when we were looking for a mini van. I ran my existing vehicles, which were both wrecked previously and repaired through insurance, and nothing showed. It was my experience that the only thing a Carfax shows is an accident that effects the title, which the one in question clearly has had.

  12. My current bike is a rebuilt title so I'm not completely against salvage or rebuilt titles, but just seeing if anyone else has any comments on experiences they've had. The car I'm looking at is an 09 Civic Hybrid.

    OK now, that we're past the Civic and hybrid jokes, it was declared rebuilt after replacing the hood, front bumper, driver side fender and headlight. It went through a Honda 100 point inspection and passed just fine. Retail is around $22k with the options it has (leather, navi, etc) with 17k miles on it, they are asking $14,400.

    The obvious con is that although it is new, the warranty is voided by the rebuilt title. What else?

    I have been out of the business for 10 years this month. But unless something has changed, the standard was: a car is totaled when the cost to repair exceeded 75% of the vehicles value. My guess is that there is more wrong than was repaired. A hood, fender, bumper, and head light will not exceed 75% of a 2 year old car with a $22,000 value. I would be VERY careful!

  13. I know there was a couple threads with people saying they were headed down in the month of may so i'm starting this one to let us post our dates, hotels, and bikes so maybe if we cross paths we can say "Howdy" to each other

    Me and my wife will be headed down Satuday 14th and staying till the 20th..we are staying at Whyndham Resort in Seviervill/Pideon Forge(they gave me a hell of a deal on my points) We are trailering our rigs down, Mine is a Red 97 TL1000S with personal plate (97 TL), and hers is a 93 Shadow VLX (bright ass) Yellow personal plate (ROO). We are planing on riding as much as we can maybe head to the gap at least 2 days, cherokee, Wheels Through Time, Sky Way, Blue Ridge Pky, Smokie Park a couple times, if we arent on the scooters we will be driving a red chvy impala.

    Hopefully the weather holds off, right now they are saying rain for that week but untill we are less than 4 or 5 days out i dont believe the forcast much. So if your down there and see us stop and say "What Up Tim and Becky"

    It's probably a good thing that things worked out the way that they did. My buddy backed out on Friday afternoon and we didn't go. It sucks! I don't get excited for much but I was really looking forward to the trip. Hope you had a good time!

  14. Is this a trick question? CCW or CHL.

    I believe you can take the class under the age of 21.

    And to think I always thought CHL stood for Canadian Hockey Legue. Guess you learn something new every day. Sport Center will make a lot more sense to me now (not that I ever got it to begin with).

  15. Nobody's wishing it upon you, but nobody would be surprised if it happens either. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you've probably rarely if ever touched alcohol, never seen over 100mph (that 185 in kph?), never raced a Mustang flapping your arms or whatever, have never seen 10s, etc. My guess is you're a young kid, still wet behind the ears, riding on daddy's motorcycle shirt-tail. Talking a big game is not impressive around here. Chill. Settle in. If you haven't already, take the MSF class. Always your gear. Respect other riders. You'll get the hang of things eventually.

    I agree with you on everything except the "never seeing over 100 MPH". At 19 years old, your balls are at least 3X the size of your brain. If you are riding an 1100cc motorcycle, I guarantee it has been WOT over a multiple mile stretch at least once. Take into account the lack of cranial capacity of a 19 year old and a 20% fudge factor on the $1.85 statement and he was actually looking at a speed of about 150 MPH. That isn't inconceivable. I know that I did 140 (fudge factor corrected) on an 1100 in my early 20's. The difference is that my balls were at least 10 times the size of my brain and I was Superman! I didn't need any of that girly safety equipment either!! I will tell you that there is hope however. At some point your balls shrink (I think marriage does it) and you begin to use your head for something other than a place to hang your sunglasses.

    • Upvote 1
  16. a car pulling out in front of a motorcycle is not the motorcyclists fault.. but yes i agree i ride like everyone will do the stupidest thing possible.

    Obey the speed limit and don't ride wheelies on the street and an accident like this is the driver's fault. Act like a dumb ass on a public street, and you get what you get! The driver may get cited, but if they can get the independent witnesses to show up to court, they won't be convicted (which they shouldn't if witness accounts are true).

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