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Posts posted by crb

  1. S&W M&PC .40

    Hipoint 9mm

    Marlin .22 semiauto Model 60A

    American AK47 7.62 x 39

    Ruger Security Six - Stainless .357 Mag Revolver

    Rem .30-.06

    Winchester .222

    and more

    Not sure I would admit owning hipoint LOL. I almost bought a hipoint cause Walmart was out of boat anchors:)

  2. If you expect an intelligent response, could you at least work at making that garbage readable?

    I'm sorry I do not have the time or patience to teach you to read! I know you libs have a hard time reading things for what they say. You libs read the constitution for what it COULD say, I read it for what it ACTUALLY says!

  3. Just quoting Justin on the racist troll part.

    Thomas Jefferson Career Lawyer, Planter

    Gee a Planter or commoner who then studied law. Was he a working man?

    James Madison A member of the Virginia planter class, he attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton Univ.)

    Planter huh maybe a farmer a commoner?

    John Adams He graduated in 1755. Young John, who had no interest in a ministerial career, taught in a Latin school in Worcester, Massachusetts, to earn the tuition fees to study law, and from 1756 to 1758, he studied law with a prominent local lawyer in Worcester.

    Working man? He was born to a fairly wealthy school.

    Alexander Hamilton Hamilton's education was brief. He began working between the ages of eleven and thirteen for a trading company in St. Croix, an island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In 1772 he left to attend school in the American colonies. After a few months at an academy in New Jersey, he enrolled in King's College in New York City. Intelligent enough to master most subjects without formal instruction and eager to win success and fame early in life, he left college in 1776 without graduating.

    Another working man huh wow!!!

    So they were formally educated commoners amazing some might say they were working men.

    The colleges were not near as liberal then as they are now either.

    The Constitution was written in plain English so that anybody could read and understand it. I am sorry that you liberals are not capable of understanding the plain English in the Constitution.

  4. sure you would.

    and if on some slim chance you actually didnt, well, thats fine... but you just ostracized yourself. any bill you bring up dies in committee. and when its time for re-election, they pay for someone else's election campaign and you get voted out.

    let me put it this way if Obama offered me a million dollars to vote for him I still wouldn't vote for him. I have morals and standards. I alsi wouldn't worry about being voted out. The government does too much at the federal level as it is FYI.
  5. No. The average person in America is an idiot.

    They were mostly very educated.

    The average person meaning you! Last time I checked ivy league colleges didn't exist in the founding. Our forefathers were farmers and average folk of course I guess its possible my racist troll history book is different than yours. I don't buy into the crap the liberals teach. I believe America is a great nation filled with great people unlike the libs.

    Racist troll out!

  6. that wouldnt even work, because as soon as they got there theyd start lining their pockets too.

    a person cant change the system. the system changes the person.

    hell we could all vote for YOU, but the minute someone opens a briefcase full of cash for you, youd throw us under the bus too.

    The idea is to limit their terms. I wouldn't be so sure that I would take the cash you don't know me.

  7. Was healthcare in the original constitution? No, so that point..

    is moot.

    Is it required? Yes, but again its not required that you have to get insurance through the government. You can get it through work, as most people do now or through not being a complete retard and getting insurance on your own. In my eyes the only real thing this bill does is try to protect the stupid and poor by requiring them to get health insurance so if something is wrong they can get medical assistance.

    Am I a fan of the bill? No. Did I want it to pass? No. Is it realistically going to effect me? Little to none. Does it have what can be considered a socialist agenda? Sure, because at its basic level I'd like to think all its doing is trying to protect the poor and give them benefits that people who are better off can afford.

    The point is not moot because the federal government is limited in its capacity. There are 18 enumerated powers please tell me which enumerated power allows them to require me to carry health insurance or be taxed and possibly jailed? Now that is freedom! Welcome to the land of the used to be free!

  8. So here's an ACTUAL legal question... if you have sufficient cash assets why can't you define "financial responsibility" with a bank statement... why does it have to be a DOI insurer?

    If the state min limits are 12.5/25/12.5 and you have 50k in the bank... why do you need insurance?

    I believe you can be self insured, I am not sure the requirements though. The state may require you to post a bond or something.

  9. communism, no...

    socialism, that shit was signed in by roosevelt in 1935, you might know it by it's PC names "social security", "medicare" and "medicaid"...

    Basically it's where old people decide to rob their children and grandchildren, and then in turn their children rob their own children and grandchildren, ad nauseum...

    First candidate that is "crazy right wing" enough to advocate the demolition of these programs will get my vote. Otherwise, I'm pretty liberal when it comes to personal freedoms. whatever 2 consenting adults choose to do to or with each other is none of my concern, and should be none of the government's either.

    FTR I did not vote for Obama the first time, but the more I see, the more I like, and i'd put it at about 80/20 that I'm voting for him at re-election time. the only repub who has my attention is Dr. Paul, I'd like to hear more of what he has to say.

    I don't understand your thinking personally. You say first right wing to get rid of socialist policies, but you are thinking of voting for obama is wants more and signed obama care.

    Liberals are not for personal freedoms for instance they support gay rights but only if it gives them more power. If gays want the right to marry they should support libertarians that believe it is none of the Governments business. Liberals are generally anti gun also. Libertarians are the hands off party. Which is why I side with them on most aspects. I believe we should have a military and they do not.

  10. droid 1, official VZW release states that droid 1 doesn't have the hardware capability to wi-fi tether... I partially just like to do it to make them looks like twats, but the laptop makes most websites easier to navigate as well, in addition to the larger screen for video and whatnot...

    My phone may or may not have been rooted to allow wifi tether.

  11. he reality of the situation is A LOT of thins have changed in those 200 years so its not totally realistic.

    I agree that a lot has changed and the constitution has a mechanism built in to change with the times. We do not just interpret it to whatever we want it to say. If he and congress wanted Obama care then they could have amended the constitution to accomplish it I would not have like it still, but I would respect the outcome if it was done properly. They knew they could not get it done right. The constitution has been amended and can be at any time to adapt to the new times. That is reality!

  12. oh and I want to make it clear, its nothing against you personally but I just can't stand the far left or far right people. Its those extremes that fuck up this country because if they'd quit being stubborn assholes they'd see there is a middle ground to everything that would work for most people.

    I admittedly lean to the right, I'm fine with that but I also know that I'm open minded and if I see an option that may be considered "left" but its a better choice then fuck it, lets go with that

    I am more of a federalist I guess I believe in the constitution as it is written. The federal government is supposed to be limited. I like the libertarian ideas until we come to war and the military and then they lose me. I don't like that conservatives want to outlaw abortion at the Federal level. I could go on and on but basically I want what the founders set up and I believe both parties have stepped way away from it, but this President is signing bills into law that border communism.

  13. Puleeeeeez.

    I have a game for your. For every section of the constitution that you can prove the health care act violates, I'll give you twice that many fro the PATRIOT ACT.

    Did I say I was pro Patriot Act?


    I say neither are constitutional

    How do you like that answer?

  14. You think I voted for the kenyan??? :nono:

    If ya do I got some land for you to buy....:cool:

    I think you voted for the communist that believes in wealth redistribution!

    Whether he was born in Kenya or Hawaii is really irrelevant and doesn't change the fact the he believes in wealth redistribution.

    I'm not an Obama fan nor did I vote for him the first time around but people like you make me want to vote for him just to be an asshole

    Vote for him that is your right if you like communism and wealth redistribition vote for him. You have one vote just like I do unless you live in Chicago then vote early and vote often!

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