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Posts posted by Wolfman1

  1. I want to write a review about Whaler, DerekClouser, and Wolfman1.  Two weeks ago I asked for direction for a shop or person who I could take my bike to and have work done.  Derek recommended I take it to Whaler as he is a stand up guy and loves working on motorcycles.  He is also very close to where I live and made it convenient for me to ride it over.  I rode it over a day before we actually started working on it because of weather.  When I got there I was greeted with a very clean and well organized garage which made me happy because I knew that my bike would be taken care of.  We discussed what all needed to be worked on and he then took it for a test ride and noticed a few more items that needed addressed.  We made a plan of action and I came back Sunday.  He taught me how to work on the carbs and was very meticulous in his work.  He is very clean and organized with everything he does.  Later in the evening Derek and Wolfman1 showed up to hang out and lend a hand.  First time meeting both of them and they are also stand up guys.  They jumped right in and started helping out.  They mounted and balanced new tires and helped tackle some of the other work.  My bike is still over there as I am waiting on one more part to arrive and be installed.  They are all knowledgeable about motorcycles and are not afraid to work on any portion of the bike.  The craftsman ship of the work they do is outstanding.  I am happy to have met them all and to have had such knowledgeable people working on my bike and making sure I am riding something safe.  


    Thank you all for helping and cleaning up the bike.


     Thanks for the awesome review.  I am sure you noticed we all have a passion for wrenching and riding.  I helped Whaler last night get everything buttoned up on your bike.  She sounds and runs great!  Brakes now feel solid like they should be.  Once you get the rotor replaced, she will be ready for the road.  Truth is, Whaler has taught me a lot of what I know about motorcycles.  Hang out with him enough and you will be wrenching on your own in no time. It looks like she will be ready in time for the Epic Ride.  You should come to the meet spot and ride down with us.  Its a great way to meet some of the other OR crew.

  2. ^This!  The bottom line is without law enforcement the laws don't exist.  Its the reality of being arrested, prosecuted and spending the rest of your life in prison that keeps most civilized.  Yes there are the few that think they can break laws and never get caught, but again, that is why we have law enforcement, to bring those to justice.  Do I agree with how the whole process works, NO, I think there is much room for improvement.  It starts with better training and strong leadership not swayed by politics. I think most will agree that having law enforcement is better than every man for themselves chaos that would ensue without them.

    • Upvote 3
  3. All this shit storm lately makes all law enforcement look bad.  My father in law is a decorated retired police officer who put his life on the line every day to keep the peace.  My opinion, he didn't get paid enough to do it.  All you hear about lately is the negative.  What about the lives that have been saved and all the trash that has been legitimately taken off the streets.  Someone has to do it.  At this rate no one will want to enroll into the academy.  I wish there was a better way to weed out all the bad eggs and start over fresh.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Whaler and I have worked on a lot of bikes together including carb syncs, exhaust, jetting, forks, etc. Between the two of us we have all the right tools to do just about everything. We have both completed our own project bikes as well. Now there is a NoMar in the stable which gives us the ability to mount and balance our own tires. Like Derek stated above, Whaler is a very knowledgeable cool guy that has a passion for motorcycles. Any work that is done will be done right. Plus we are in Medina, which is a short jaunt from Brunswick.

  5. Doc, don't forget to ask about personal mortgage insurance or PMI. There are ways around it like putting down 20% when you purchase your home or going with a USDA rural loan. The other thing to consider is RITA or regional income tax. If you live and work in the same city it is not an issue. If you work outside the city you reside you will owe the city income tax. Again, there are ways to avoid this. I moved outside of the city to a township to avoid RITA. Just a few more items to add to the mile long list you already have!

  6. we are now a maybe.

    I vote next spring we use the old route and meet place..... this new one is a lot of slab work. my out of kitchen pass is only good for 12 hours.

    Personally, I really like this route as it covers some of my favorite roads I ride all summer. Lots of clean roads with some great turns and transitions. Plus, I think the meet spot is more centrally located too, especially for the NEO crew. That said, I am not opposed to making a new route each year. Some volunteers would just have to do a few dry runs to ensure the route will be clean and contain enough twisties to keep everyone happy. I have been all over this state, so a new route will not bother me one bit. We could always alternate for each Epic ride, Lancaster route for the spring and New Concord for the fall.

  7. Maybe a little oil on the road? That's all it would take to loose traction. Glad to hear you are ok. My wreck changed my mindset on street riding as well. I remember thinking over and over if I could have done something different and got through it, but there is not much you can do when there is gravel across both lanes. Hopefully we will see you at the Epic ride next month!

  8. Can't go wrong with a Gen 1 FZ1. I loved my first one so much, after my wreck I decided to get another Gen 1. There are only a few things I would recommend. Get the carbs cleaned and synchronized. She is a little buzzy around 4500 rpm and throttle response was a little sluggish stock, so I went with a Ivan's jet kit and slip on exhaust. It dramatically changed the throttle response and almost eliminated the buzz. Another suggestion is replacing the rear shock as it just can't handle the weight of the average rider let alone two or luggage. Good luck with your purchase and let us know what you get!

  9. Nivin was going to knock out a design and I think life got the best of him. I'd guess probably no shirts this event. It's okay. Gives people the opportunity to showcase their Ride shirts from previous.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Let's make one, there is still time.

  10. 83 is an awesome road. Everything past Millersburg is great. We start and end each of our rides from NEO with 83. It's the most direct non-slab route to the real good stuff! Plus it's usually a really clean road.

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