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Posts posted by Wolfman1

  1. Doc, sorry to hear about the wreck. What should have been a great day turned into crap real quick. I am glad to hear he is ok. You cannot blame yourself as everyone goes down at some point. I have been riding almost 15 years and went down hard with Derek last year. I guess it was our turn. Thankfully Derek walked away and I got the worst of it with a chopper flight, but was released with minor fractures in my lower back similar to your friends neck injuries. That's why we wear gear. I don't blame anyone but myself for getting caught out on a really bad blind corner with dirt and gravel. It was on an unfamiliar road and I put myself in that position. We are all responsible for putting ourselves in these positions and that is plain and simple the risk of riding a street bike. I would never wish wrecking on anyone, but it has given me a new level of respect for my bike and riding a motorcycle. Keep your head up, motorcycle riding is in your blood. I hope to be riding again with you soon, hopefully before the fall Epic Ride! Keep us informed on you friends condition.

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  2. She said she didn't see him, my guess is she didn't even look.  Was probably on the phone.  I had a guy at slow speed like 40mph pull out in front of me while making a left, saw me locking the tires and burned out to get out of the way and I missed hitting him by inches.  I did get a standing ovation from the group of dudes on a front porch who saw that I didn't go down.  Another thing, I know it annoys people, but I will rev my engine in towns and intersections, so I can be more visible.  I will also do it coming into a gas station or any other stop to make sure the asshats see me coming in.

  3. 83 is clear all the way down to 78.  Just rode it a few weeks ago.  If you are up for it, you should ride all the way down to 78 and stop at the Big Muskie bucket.  83 is smooth and twisty with a lot of great scenery and some elevation the farther south you go.  It is a great road for 2 wheels!  We are probably heading down this way again this weekend.  Will be a great weekend for riding!

  4. 99% of the time


    "I laid the bike down."




    "I panicked.  I've never attempted emergency braking or maneuvering, so I have no idea the capability of my bike, so my natural reaction was to stab the brakes as hard as I could and surf asphalt."


    however there is always the rare case:

    That was incredible! That dude either knew what to do or grabbed a whole lot of brake and got extremely lucky. The crazy part is the truck just keeps going. What an asshat!! Just amazing the dude walked away from that.

  5. Props to all who showed up! Major props to Doc for coming all the way down from Michigan to hang! I am sorry to hear a couple of bikes went down. Glad to hear you all got home safe! I got up with the intent to attend, looked out the window at the rain pussied out and went back to bed. Also, glad to hear you got to run the route pretty much rain free. It is a great route that we ride all summer. I want to see pics or it didn't happen!! Hope to see you all on the next one. Maybe we should put together a redo in June or July.

  6. I use Royal Purple Maxchain.  I tried WD40 and the only issue I had was getting caught out in rain and when I got home I had rust all over the chain.  Other than that it worked just as good as everyone has stated above.  The Royal Purple dries clear and not tacky, so after a 500 mi ride my chain still looks clean.  The crucial pivot points are greased and sealed inside the chain.  The purpose of chain lube/wax is to reduce friction at the contact points on the sprockets and protect the chain from corrosion, that's about it.  It doesn't take me very long to take a rag soaked in kerosene to wipe my chain, dry, and re-spray.  Half the time I don't warm the chain and it works just fine.  There is no sling.  Basically same effects as WD40 with a little more durability for getting caught out in rain.  My 2 CENTS. :D

  7. What all have said above. I have tried many different chain lubes/wax with different results. I don't like a sticky or wet chain. I prefer a clear, non-tacky chain lube that will not sling off. I use Royal Purple Maxchain. DuPont makes a Teflon based chain wax that dries without stick and doesn't fling. Both have worked well for me. Every 400-500 mi, I clean my chain with kerosene as it will not harm the o-rings, blow off with compressed air and then take a short ride to heat up the chain. I have a cardboard cutout to keep it off the wheel. Most products have a diagram of which directions to spray the lube for optimal coverage. The reality of it is chain lube just reduces friction on the sprockets and protects from corrosion, so you really don't need to soak it. I have a friend who just uses WD40 after every ride and gets the same chain life and wear as I have with chain lube.

  8. Any place where one can not legally carry that does not use metal detectors is a Criminal Protection Zone. Cause they will carry when you can't.

    +1 You are exactly right.  There shouldn't be any limitations for legal carry individuals who are actually following the laws.  I am sure there are plenty of thugs on every campus illegally carrying a firearm.

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