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Posts posted by CobraKevin

  1. Waiting for Kevin's official review before buying tickets...


    Ya know...this like makes me obligated to see the film. :(


    I probably will go see it, but I don't watch a whole lot of the Simpsons on TV, so I may not be the perfect source for that style of comedy. If you're a Simpsons fan, you should probably go see it. If you're not, I don't think you should worry about it.



  2. Took me about 4 tries, but my best score is 4312, completed in just over 10 minutes.


    Once you complete all 15 levels, the two "unlockable" vehicles are available from the start. Fun game.




    P.S. Gotta love those people that managed to get like 120,000+ points...hackers.

  3. My most recent series of illegal downloads consisted of some Red, Fall Out Boy, Taproot, Powerman 5000, and Seether, among others.


    Syris, I downloaded Egypt Central - Over and Under (off The Condemned soundtrack) and it's badass. I'll have to check out some of their other stuff.



  4. Alright. First of all, Ventrilo, like nachius said, is a voice chat program a lot of gamers use to communicate through mics and speakers/headphones. It's MUCH easier to coordinate tasks in such in games when you can just talk rather than type it all out. So people log on to a Vent server, hop in a channel, and start talking.


    So in these videos, someone is coming into a guild's ventrilo server and intentionally trying to piss them off by playing extremely loud, annoying, and/or redundant audio clips.


    Secondly, LMAO! The first video was kinda funny, but that bitch was retarded. It does not take that fucking long to find out who's doing that. But man, that second video had me dying, especially right at the end. "You guys should be in Vent more often..."..."Oh hell no"...."WHAT THE FU-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" I fucking lost it.



  5. I'm sure it would suck ass and hurt like hell to kick one of those full on. But damn, don't these kids think to check it out before they go running full speed? Regardless, it sounds to me like the laughter is looped or reused, so it might have been something added in later with editing.



  6. I love that movie. The main character in the movie, the dude, he was the head drug dealer in Alpha Dog. I was like "thats not you, not at all."


    Oh and she is hot as fuck..


    Emile Hersche I believe is his name. And yeah, doesn't fit the Alpha Dog bill at all.


    I heart Elisha Cuthbert.

  7. She hotwired the tow truck that bumblebee was on.


    Ahh...had the wrong part, my bad. Okay, then I agree there.




    Edit: I just thought about it. I have had a guy come into the tire shop at Sam's a couple of times with a setup just like that. Two long wires coming out from under the dash that you touch together and it starts the car. Maybe some people do that to their tow trucks. :confused:

  8. LOL! Wow, I didn't realize a number of people on here tried this. It was called Quixtar when I started, but apparantly they didn't like the "t".


    I tried it. The good thing about it - it actually does work. The bad thing about it - it's INCREDIBLY difficult to get people to believe you, due to the fact that it is in fact a pyramid scheme.


    ATTENTION!!! If you don't give two flying shits how this works, don't read the insanely long post. If you're interested or even the least bit curious, read on.


    The idea behind getting started is to convert your monthly spenditures (groceries, clothes, car parts, etc.) from the stores and outlets to this online website. Then, you get your family and friends to do the same thing and BAM - mucho dinero.


    This is a relatively in-depth breakdown of how it works.


    For every $2.50 you spend on this website, you receive 1 point. Your target is to get 100 points per month (or spend $250 a month) to reach your initial bonus level of 3%. While $250 sounds like a lot to some, especially me being 18 (at the time) and not spending that kind of money per month on "stuff", your average household spends well over $500 per month on "stuff", though they tell you something like $770.


    So you start buying all your stuff online, or at least $250 worth and you'll reach the 3% return bracket, which means they cut you a check for $7.50 a month. I can vouch for that, as I had received a few of those, but that's a ripoff to spend $250 to only get $7.50. This is where getting other people underneath you comes into play.


    You're goal, per the basic outline, is to get 6 friends/relatives/strangers underneath you to do the same thing - convert their monthly spenditure from stores to the internet. If you succeed and they're all spending $250 per month and earning their 100 points, your total business volume between you and your 6 "associates" is now $1750. This will put you in the 9% bracket, meaning you're getting a 9% return on your total business volume ($1750). So they would be cutting you a check for $157.50, but out of that check they would take out the earnings of the 6 people you got involved.


    6 x $7.50 = $45

    $157.50 - $45 = $112.50 per month you receive.


    So now your goal is to "mentor" the 6 people you got involved into getting people beneath them to increase their income (which also increases yours). The plan they outline involves you getting 6, those 6 each getting 4, and those 4 each getting 2.


    You = 1


    123456 = 6 people


    444444 = 24 people


    888888 = 48 people


    1 + 6 + 24 + 48 = 79 total people


    So, with a total group of 79 people (sounds like a lot, but in theory it shouldn't be) all doing their $250 and therefore 100 points per month, the total business volume for YOUR business is generating $19,750. 7500 points puts you in the highest return bracket of 25% (you're generating 7900), which would equal $4937.50. After the 78 "associates" are paid their cut, you're looking somewhere between $2500 and $3000 per month (I forgot the exact number). $30k a year now for doing absolutely nothing, and it'll just continue to grow from then on out. So now all those things you're spending money on are technically free AND you're making an additonal $2000 per month. There are supposedly guys making six figures every month, but of course I've never seen a paystub.


    I tried to get some friends involved, got a few to come to the meetings, but nothing really came from it since all the bad rap these schemes get. I personally believe it would work like a charm, but it's a pain in the ass to get others to believe the same, so I left it alone.


    Sorry for the long post. I'm sure I pretty much wasted my time typing all that out, but oh well. :)



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