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Big Steve

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Posts posted by Big Steve

  1. Goin out tonight, some D bag in a blue Evo beent talkin shit. Bout to see if I can't get a 40. Been tryin to dig this yella Z06 for a while the dudes bein a real pus. Dresses all flassy and stuff. Think I might go and just get some 94 idk. Anyone want to meet at thrift? My dudes rollin a red vw might do some rolls. I think my otta dud might be out in a white supra idk and camaro migth come out. I still need to get muh bottle filled so say likeee 9 at thright? only bring cash.


    I think we found phils long lost brother! :gtfo:

  2. Totally worth a hundred bucks. Outside of the obvious blu-ray awesomeness you can stream pandora radio and browse youtube videos on it. Every day after work I kick on pandora and listen quietly to it through my surround and take a nap on the couch.


    Damn u can? I never tried to do anything with it. So I guess its pretty awesome then. I just use my ps3 for blu ray! I am gonna hook it up and look into it.

  3. Why does everyone keep saying this. It works it was out Friday nite at polaris. You can't beat me either so get somthing worth talking about.


    Even if it works you will always lose, just face the facts! Slow and always will be slow!

  4. :lol: ahh the good oll days


    " woooo I'm pulling brian mother fucker carter.... weeee oh shit he's getting traction herte he comes.. shit where did he go" bahahaha atleast I reocked the shit outta ur brother


    You did not rock me, try again you burnt-up pube!

  5. :lol: Boy, the nut swingers come out when Johnny makes a post around here. WOW!. I am surprised that you guys have not lined up to service Johnny.


    I just love how no one stood up for Johnny boy in the original thread, but when he makes a post all his little groupies come out to help him wipe his little tears. Maybe I should say I am sorry before Johnny has to go for therapy due to a melt down.


    I am sorry Johnny, dont cry, go see your mommy, she will get you a cookie and it will be all better.


    Love Rick


    Do you ever sit back and read some of your posts? And you wonder why nobody is ever on your side! :gtfo:

  6. So As I am crusing down 161 I notice a shit ton of flashing lights. I look up and a red GP GTP I think goes flying by me at atleast 120+ and I do not have my camera nor my celly:confused: I feel sorry for them cops. They was getting waxed. There was about atleast about a 13+ second difference between them. I am just hoping that it was nobody from CR!
  7. this is the phone i am getting next for Sprint, their version of the Galaxy S will have a front facing camera and a slide out keyboard. the best version that will be available on any carrier, IMHO


    I do agree. I love my Moment. The Epic 4G however will be my next choice of phone as well. Keyboard is a must with me.

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