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Posts posted by Littleguy

  1. This threads full of win.


    Norm, why you gotta be hatin man.


    Come on, you can't have him put a perfect setup out there and not expect me to jump on it :D


    You know I've got love for the Supras, you guys would hand me my @ss (but not on any given day, lol).

  2. So a bear and a pony are walking through the forest. When they are walking they find the eagle. The bear says to the eagle, "Hey Eagle, pony doesn't feel very good". The eagle says to the bear, "why doesn't the pony tell me himself?" The pony says, "because I'm a little horse".




  3. Name: Norman Hord

    Car info: Only 2008+ WRX Sedan I ever see

    Dyno yes/no: Yes (I will have my wheel lock keys this time)

    Raffle tickets: $20 yes/no: Maybe if the prizes are something I could use

    Sat/or Sunday (upcomming date not decided yet): Sunday is better, but Sat. is ok too.

  4. So I have had some unexpected expenses come up this past week in moving to a new place. This means that unfortunately I won't be able to make this event. I feel really bad for backing out at the last minute but I have no choice.
  5. I try to do all my own work unless it's something I don't have the tools for or can borrow them or my back is just giving me too much grief. I'd have to say 9 out of 10 times I take it to a shop, they screw something else up or don't perform the job right. Seriously, you all would be amazed how many times this has happened with just this car. I'll drive myself crazy trying to take care of the problem myself just because I can't trust anyone else.


    You use the grumpy old man pit crew.

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