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Posts posted by Littleguy

  1. That's not what's being asked for them to do. No one demanding they make all iPhone vulnerable.


    This would only be true if the phone in question had a custom OS. Making all iphones vulnerable is exactly what the FBI is asking.

  2. My understanding is the FBI just wants them to shut down the auto-wipe that is in the phone so they get more than XX number of chances to crack it. They aren't asking for a "back door" they just want the alarm system and pit bulls turned off and locked up so they can have-at-it.


    Fyi, the auto wipe is the security feature that prevents the phone from being hacked. The only way to turn it off it to write a completely new version of the OS for the FBI to supposedly use for this one case only.


    In this respect, I'm on the side of the FBI because I have ZERO concern for fuck up cowards that go around shooting innocents. They are also not asking for this globally but on this and other very specific devices they have. Again, there are a handful of cases where people were killed and their cases are linked to a phone that is secured. Let's insure the right thing is done and their killers are brought to justice.


    Flame suit on.


    I feel like the FBI is using people's patriotism and fear of terrorism to get what they want here. What information exactly would be on his phone that would give us any more knowledge about what happened in San Bernadino or about the people who did it? They chose this case as the one to have a big fight about because they wanted to play on people's emotions because what they really want is for real incription to be illegal, which is a bad thing for everyone, especially the US.

  3. Agreed, this would be a dangerous precedent if they were to comply and it becomes a question of:


    1. Does an American company have the right to make a product that the government can't search/control?


    2. Can the government force an American company to create something that does not currently exist?

  4. And I live just north of Houston. What is bringing you down here to the southlands?


    I'm in Houston in the Energy Corridor, as long as we are tracking the Texas CR members, lol.

  5. I mean...Obama is so classy that he is not going to the mans funeral...


    I was joking, but in the case that you would like actual real information and not just rhetoric:


    “I wouldn’t have expected President Obama to attend the funeral Mass, and I see no reason to fault him for not attending,” Ed Whelan, a former Scalia clerk told Politico. “The ceremony at the Supreme Court seems the most apt opportunity for the president to pay his respects, but he obviously might have severe competing demands on his time.”

  6. So my deceased father had 20 years in the military and retired (before death), I would qualify?


    Yes, just call them with some of your dad's info (DOB, etc...) and they should be able to find him and hook you up.

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