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Posts posted by owndjoo

  1. Hell yea! I wouldn't worry about changing it unless you are looking to go a good clip quicker. I used to race a 225" sc rail that was also a hardtail. High 7's @175mph without issue. The only problems we had was at some tracks with a concrete/asphalt bump at the merge. It usually would shift at that same spot and spin up a little. All in all great purchase and you are going to loooove running it!
  2. My quick .02. From 08 when is was running both slicks and dot race on my 600s. As Brian said the slicks last longer for sure. Also depending on brand, the slicks tend to have a different tire profile as well. I made no setup changes between tires. I also ran 190's for both. The slicks were straight glue. Spinning the rear was pretty much nonexistent and the confidence that came with that is immense. On the DOTs the bike would slide and spin up on exit as well as back in more than the slicks. These were pirellis. Obviously I haven ridden any of the new stuff which I've heard from everyone have made leaps in advancement. Surprisingly though, lap times haven't seemed to change much in the last few years, which can be a result of many other variables.

  3. Always check the source. There is still a lot of covering up being done by TEPCO. The biggest threat is to Japan and the city of Tokyo itself. It would take a massive catastrophe causing a continuous nuclear reaction within the #4 pool for the US to see any "real" effects on our shores. Obviously sea life is goin to be affected regardless

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