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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2008 in Posts

  1. Well basicly grew up on the North East side of columbus (westerville) still my perminate residency at least as the IRS is concerned but I spend alot of my time in the Chicago area for work. bought my 05 sti last september and been loving every minute of driving it sence.
    2 points
  2. I'm scott0, a noob to CR but I have been around. I worked for slowmotion motorsports for about 4 years. I recently left there to go work for honda. I DD a 96 civic, and I have a 69 gto project car.
    1 point
  3. I will check that out soon, and i do have a larger mass air its a sct big air 3000. What boost level would you run on a stock internal motor? I figured 15lbs is a good safe amount for pump gas, stock internal motor.
    1 point
  4. So what's a guy gotta do in this place to see the rest of the forum?
    1 point
  5. I doubt the car will be done any time soon, cash flow is a little limited at this point being i just put about a grand into fixing my POS daily driver so paying $450 to get the cobra tuned right now is out of the question. Plus i still need some parts to show up.
    1 point
  6. Anyone know anything about these. Im gonna get married but i would like to have one incase things go sower. anyone have and suggestions on what lawyer to use? How long does it take to get one and how much does it cost for lawyer fees
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Real Men of Genius. This is for you Mr. Columbus Racing, flame war starting, internet guy. Mr. Columbus Racing, flame war starting, internet guy. It doesn't matter that you live in your mother's basement and haven't bathed in a week. You are a God online. He's goes by "Bro Rape". You've got an opinion or two, or several hundred, that you'd like to shove down the throat of everyone on the forum. Everybody listen to me. And it doesn't matter if you contradict yourself in several postings. You're still right. I'm a complete idiot. So you go on pecking away at your filthy keyboard, as you keep slowly detaching yourself from reality. You rule. Rep to you. Mr. Columbus Racing, flame war starting, internet guy.
    1 point
  9. A pre-nup, if properly written and executed, is the best thing. However, my wife and I are currently dividing our assets into two separate trusts where each one is the sole signor, only to be released to the other upon death. Both trusts have designated trustees that will determine how assets can be disbursed to our beneficiaries (either the surviving spouse or our children). I respect where this question is coming from. Ignore the fucking idiots...look past the pre-nup and spend an extra grand to construct trusts where other CREDITORS cannot touch your assets in the event of a death, dissolution of marriage, or bankruptcy (not just if the marriage doesn't work out!) and you won't have to worry about the future. I've got a good attorney that can help you, but be prepared to spend about $1500 or more, depending on how you want to structure your assets...
    1 point
  10. Its not a bad thing. It can protect both parties at hand. If people love each other the way they say they do, then I signature on a line should be meaningless.
    1 point
  11. #6 is the only real option here. I mean come on, savings?? wtf kind of retarded shit is that
    1 point
  12. Buy the robot guitar http://www.gibson.com/RobotGuitar/
    1 point
  13. high 13s on my stock setup, havent had a chance to make it out sence any of my mods or new tunes.
    0 points
  14. dammit fubar, I was kinda on your side til you opened your mouth you peon. I can't even try to deffend you now. I was feeling froggy but arguing with people I actually like isn't worth the price of beans. do us all a favor , hop in your super sweet ride and head up 71 n practicing your 40 roll and brake boosting. while your doing that ill pm thorne so he can tell his buddies down at cpd so they can come arrest your dumbass. as for you hotswaps, eatadick, and lets go to qsl weds for wings.
    -1 points
  15. Hey guy's i have a 03 cobra with alot of your standard upgrades with a kenne bell that's about it.
    -2 points
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