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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Well, I can't say I did it today, but after years lovingly wrenching on my older bikes, chucking money aside for the better part of a decade, I bit the bullet on a machine I can trust to not leave me stranded, hammer my spine on bumps or be hopeless when gravel appears. I just completed installing the major farkles I wanted on this bike and so far, I love it to death. Claims it's boring are vastly wrong. Also, hey, I haven't been on this board in a long time. The last few years have been kind of...weird.
    6 points
  2. Home. 2468 miles, 5 states one province, two countries and 5 casinos.
    5 points
  3. On our third day of five days to the Ozark. Mrs. Durk is killing it averaging close to 500 miles a day. No complaints about speed or cornering too hard. She gets a little green feeling at times so does request at times to back it down a bit. MO 125, AR 125, AR 123, AR 7 are some good roads. Peel ferry is a cool deal, can’t believe it’s free. Did take a route around Lake of the Ozarks that was a nice cruise and had a fun little loop from Camdenton down towards Devil’s Elbow and back up to Bridal falls this morning.
    5 points
  4. Got it fixed! First I planned to pull the oil pan which meant draining the oil that had less than 50 minutes on it. Then I had to remove the exhaust and the lines to the oil cooler before the pan came off. The only useful thing I could see up there was that the part I needed to access was in the clutch compartment. So now on to removing the clutch cover and clutch basket. I probably could have realigned the shift shaft gear without removing the clutch but, WTH, I'm already this far... After removing everything, it was a simple job to align the shifter end and spring. Shifting seemed like Iike it was good, so I put it all back together. New oil and a ride around the neighborhood confirmed that it's fixed!
    5 points
  5. I’ve been off grid for a while, riding the Denali Highway and camping. This is something you folks should make a bucket list item. It’s doable on a road bike if careful. Stunning scenery everywhere you look. Camp sites as far as the eye can see. I have lots of pics and video to download. Here is a cell phone photo from my tent last night Before hotels and motels Alaska had “Roadhouses”. There are some still around. Tonight I’ve got a room at Meier’s Lake Roadhouse near Paxon Alaska at the end of Rt. 8, the Denali Highway its raining hard. Relaxing and wondering what’s to come. Tomorrow it’s into Palmer Alaska and reuniting with a girlfriend I haven’t seen since 1989 !!!
    5 points
  6. Following Tonik's theme:
    3 points
  7. Already has goodies like a touch screen update.
    2 points
  8. Growing up, Dad used to say I was just like a seagull....all I did was eat, shit and squawk. 😕 He was from Vancouver Island, so I guess he knew seagulls.
    2 points
  9. Made it to Seward Alaska and the best crab I’ve ever had!
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. https://www.rocketlanguages.com/french/words/french-swear-words
    2 points
  12. Kancamagus Highway Rt 112. Very Cherahola Skyway like without any traffic. Very epic.
    2 points
  13. 5 days, 2500 miles, 6 states, about 45 hours of seat time on a 21 year old Goldwing to celebrate 25 years of marriage. Good times had by all. I would tell you the seat on that Goldwing is nice but my butt is still sore come the end of the day.
    2 points
  14. Ran some more good roads today from Russellville Arkansas to Poplar Bluff Missouri. Word of advice don’t stop in Poplar Bluff. Place is a hole. Meth heads everywhere. Pulled the first double yellow pass with her on board. Her only concern as she came on the intercom quick like was “hey was that a cop behind us”. My response “I hope not I didn’t see that SUV until mid pass”. Hit about 30 minutes of a downpour on our way to hotel. Had about an hour to dry out a bit before we actually made it to the hotel. Little over 500 miles today. Homeward bound tomorrow.
    2 points
  15. I don't have that kind of time in a day to ride something that slow. I have many miles to cover and couldn't get that accomplished poking around on something so slow.
    2 points
  16. Found a hotel near Rome NY that has everything you need right next door.
    2 points
  17. Can't say I'm a whole lot better. Been receiving "government assistance" every month since I turned 70. Beats workin'.... 😁
    2 points
  18. Jim is a welfare queen living his life on the backs of the working class.
    2 points
  19. NH and VT. The across to Canada and aroind Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. Back down via the UP of MI.
    2 points
  20. I too will be riding for some forbiden soup in a couple of weeks. Mmmmmm
    2 points
  21. I made it to Tuktoyaktuk NWT today. It was by far the most difficult road I’ve ridden to date. Now I’ve been as far north and south as you can ride in the Americas!
    2 points
  22. 1 point
  23. North shore oh Lake Huron was beautiful. Back in the lower peninsula in Michigan. Quick dinner at a diner. Then an hour to the hotel. Deb really hates the Mackinaw Bridge. The wind and how high it is freaks her out.
    1 point
  24. I am the single room guy. Planning on slabbing it down Tuesday.
    1 point
  25. There are a few of us going down next week to Deals Gap and staying at the GDMR. Originally it was just me going down by myself but now a few others have decided to join me. So I thought I would open the invite to anyone else that can make last minute plans. As of the time of this post they still have a couple available rooms. Link will be below. I will be down 7/21-7/26 A couple other guys will be joining me in my room 7/22-7/26 And one other got his own room from 7/23-7-26 So the more the merrier if you want to come down and hang with some bubbys. This is not an official organized trip or endrorced in anyway by anyone. It's show up on your own do your own thing or put together your own group rides or just hang out. Here is a link to room availability. https://secure.webrez.com/Bookings105/transaction-calendar.html?&hotel_id=1914&date_from=20210515&mode=&newrelease_redirect=1
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Great day. 125, 73, 53 and the rest of 100. Staying in Concord NH tonight and heading back north in NH from here. IRL Donkey Kong!!
    1 point
  28. Swung by the Saratoga horse track. Was bummed, some big horse race event today instead of regular racing. It was Kentucky Derby busy so we kept going. Headed to Robert Lincolns summer home. That was cool. Also got to feed the goats. These goats are actually direct descendents of the goats Robert had. From there north on 7a, 7 and 100. Awesome roads, especially 100 north of Killington. Along the way was a big horse event, the kind where they jump over stuff. Watched that for a bit. Spending tonight in Montpellier.
    1 point
  29. ..to have friends that bring me the best blue crab bisque in the world.
    1 point
  30. It's been years since I've been to Arkansas an Missouri, when I was there I was following so I don't remember the routes well. I do remember really liking the Eureka Springs area in Arkansas and riding around in the Mark Twain National Forest. Hope you two enjoyed yourselves.
    1 point
  31. Ah-ha! So this is how you finance your hobbies and free time activities....BRILLIANT!!! I never realized that all those lavish, high-dollar casinos made money by giving it away to their customers. 😉
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. And yes, a casino across the street.
    1 point
  34. I remember that ferry. We didn't know it was there. We came from the north and crested a hill and saw it. For some reason we got really excited and giggled the whole ride across.
    1 point
  35. This is excellent man!
    1 point
  36. You can rent a Goldwing in Pigeon Forge and then get soup. https://wolfcreekrentals.us/motorcycle-rentals/
    1 point
  37. Fun video with predictable results given the rules of the game. Start racing in the same gear at the same speed. Way different results were achieved when the MXR was able to pick it's own gear at the given speed. The MXR has the same torque as the RS with more redline, horsepower and less weight.
    1 point
  38. Brought to you by guys who don't use their own money for bikes or tires...now get off my grass.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I’ll be heading back to Dawson and then taking the ferry over to Alaska. I’ll do the Dalton then, so I’ll be through Tok. Too bad you didn’t have time. It would have been a trip to run into you Nevin. And thanks. This has been a crazy road. Still not sure I want to do this last stretch to Tuk tomorrow. My leg still makes it hard to even walk. One fuck up and it could be bad. It’s probably stupid for me to be doing this shit still. It’s all I know now, and one of the few things that make me truly happy.
    1 point
  41. I’m in Dawson City Yukon, at the entrance of the Dempster Highway. Tomorrow morning I’ll depart in an attempt at making Tuktoyaktuk NWT in three days at the Arctic Ocean and then returning. There are hundreds of Moto-travelers here attending the Dust to Dawson rally. I won’t be alone in my attempt, which is good. The Dempster took another motorcycle rider’s life yesterday in a head on with a gravel truck. He was trying to change “slots” in the deep gravel as he saw the oncoming truck. He lost control while trying to go through the deep stuff. Aside from trepidation and fear, I’m having a great time meeting people I’ve known online and making new friends. I took a flight above the Yukon River and filmed the famous ferry taking vehicles to Alaska
    1 point
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