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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2009 in Posts

  1. Hey guys my name is Norm, I drive a 2008 WRX Sedan. Just arrived in Delaware for a while so I wanted to join the site. I have met a few of you in person in the past so to you guys, hi. My car has a Intake and turbo back and a few other small mods. Here are some pics... http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/medium/IMG_0053.JPG http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/medium/IMG_00631.JPG http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/medium/IMG_0115.JPG Looking forward to going on a few cruises and whatever other fun I can get into
    3 points
  2. I'm Back on CR after a long long time. Prob around 6 years or so. My account must have been deleted because it wasn't being used. I rejoined because of Kenny's passing and wanting to read his threads. Also to have a way to communicate with his friends. My name is Evan and I was in the silver Evo 8 from Michigan, if any of you were in the cruises. I own a repair shop here, and have been into cars for a long long time. I went to Northwestern and that's how I meet all my friends in Columbus. I was good friends with Kenny and talked with him about every other day.
    2 points
  3. Hey guys my names Seth, and I am from Dayton, ohio. I just thought I'd sign up to meet some new people away from the Rb's around here. Just a little about me. Im 21 I do everything myself,(except tuning, thats dave b's job). I pay for everything for my cars. I have a 92 dx hatch with a turbo b16 hatch with a ctr tranny.and a 1989 ef hatch with b16 and itb's Heres the daily bitch. beat to hell daily. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j96/widebody96/the89hatch001-1.jpg the itb's werent on yet. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j96/widebody96/the89hatch010.jpg and heres. the fast one. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j96/widebody96/turbohatch1.jpg http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j96/widebody96/turbohatch2.jpg http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j96/widebody96/turbohatch3.jpg http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j96/widebody96/turbohatch4.jpg thanks,
    2 points
  4. I get it. But no biggy. thanks for the warm welcomes. One of the best sites I have been on. so far.
    2 points
  5. What else do I have to do to view the rest of columbus racing...
    1 point
  6. Here are some pictures... Old picture of the shop. http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1225/autoshow086mw4ee0.jpg My old GN sold http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/9528/608469016l.jpg My old Supra sold http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3493/746566265l.jpg Tara's Evo http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6079/dsc05874w.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/9761/dsc05871.jpg Ricky's and Tara's cars http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/3224/img00544.jpg http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/221/img00546l.jpg Small vid cars from my hood
    1 point
  7. Hey, im new to CR. I met some guys (didnt catch their names) at Seven Eleven on campus. There was a yellow Vette and a few mustangs, the usual. Thought id join up. Currently driving a 2008 Aspen White STi.....some mods, nothing crazy..... Got a 1978 Honda CB750F supersport cafe racer that should be done as soon as i get the motor in it. Occasionally an 07 A8L and some others. Some other rides i might be ridin shot gun in would be Corbin's Smart Car hahaha I'll post pics sometime when i get the camera out.
    1 point
  8. you're a 33 year old welder, who has 4 fox mustangs, and bought the wrong part---even when you had the opportunity to look at the parts. piss off, douchebag. stop acting so butthurt and sell the parts on corral.net chalk this one up to being a fucking moron, asshat. go choke yourself.
    0 points
  9. Let me ask you something... what in the fuck else do you want us to do for you? I don't know either of you, I don't give a fuck about your rocker arms, but still tried to help you resolve this. He told me he was going to give you your money back. I'm not his dad and can't make him. My payback for trying to help is a big "fuck you" from you, along with 8 other childish comments? Get some balls, go get your money back instead of being a hardass towards us. So, let me ask again... if you can't get your money back for yourself, what is it we can do for you?
    0 points
  10. It was nice meeting you too, I should be back more often CR is a nice getaway from seeing the same cars over and over here. Might come back this weekend actually. Evan
    0 points
  11. What's up everybody i'm new on the site. My names Matt i live around dayton and i drive a 2000 ss camaro. Other than that i'm a pretty simple person. Anything you wanna know just ask. http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg126/00REDSS/redsscamaro.jpg http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg126/00REDSS/otherside.jpg
    0 points
  12. damn did i strike a nerve with the wannabe club? if he doesnt take my calls or emails thats my fault as well huh. my bad for taking someone at thier word, im glad i didnt think this was a tightnit community. for the most part all you kiddies do is call names like kids in the basment of thier mothers house aka cyber tough guys(pussy's). "asshat"? damn good at the dumbass names? did you goto school for that? you should get your $ back for that. hmm a dial indicator is a tough/ expensive investment huh? i have one i can sell you for 50 bux and looks like a rock, but if i tell you its a dial indicator it must be what i say it is? everyone chime in your well thought out names so you feel like a tough retainer boy in the basement. tough guys cant stick up for themselves and report it to their mommy.
    -1 points
  13. i will post over and over until something gets done. you believe him because he said so. hes a con and i will tell over and over till everyone hears. you moderators are jokes. you feel so important to be a moderator of a stupid website that is responsible for shutting down 71 for illegal street racing, you must feel so important. this website is mostly made up of kids living in thier parents basement feeling important being a cyber cop. ooooh your so cool. you really arent important. ill repost after this is closed as well. keep polishing your fake badge.
    -1 points
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