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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2010 in Posts

  1. Hey guys and gals it has been awhile since Ive logged in CR so i would like to reintroduce myself. Name's Drew have been living in Columbus for almost four years now moved from Washington D.C. area. I just turned 22 and work as a technician at the Saturn dealership in Hilliard. I've met some of you at the the meets on Friday and Saturday nights. Though just usually go to see other peoples rides and don't like to "street race"; i have occasionally succumb to the temptation haha. Since the other forum im on the central OH guys don't chat much, I would like to be on CR to meet new people and talk about cars. I've got a 2002 Camaro Z28 A4. It is all stock internals with a couple bolt on (lid, full exhaust). I had to tuned at Dyno Tune Motorsports by Brian, it made 339HP and 353TQ with 156K on the powertrain. Here are some pics of the car: http://s743.photobucket.com/albums/xx74/chevy8806/
    2 points
  2. DanielM'Mburugu DanielM'Mburugu is probably the hardest motherfucker to ever step foot in the rural farmlands of Kenya. On June 22nd, this 73 year-old grandfather was out in his farmland minding his own business when all of a sudden this gigantor leopard jumped out from some tall grass and mauled the fuck out of him. The beast let out an earth-shaking howl and pinned M'Mburugu to the ground, scratching the shit out of his chest with its back claws and trying to bite his face off with its gleaming fangs. M'Mburugu tried to free up his panga (Swahili for "big ass machete") so that he could take a good swipe at the creature that was slowly killing him, but then all of a sudden JESUS CHRIST sent a messenger pigeon down to him with a note that read: Dear Daniel, Fuck the machete. Just rip this motherfucker's tongue out. Love, God So Daniel M'Mburugu dropped his machete and shoved his hand into the leopards mouth. The leopard chomped down on his hand, be he totally didn't even give a fuck. He just pulled the fucking leopard's tongue out of its head, causing it to die and get totally pwned by a 73 year-old dude. After he was done wrecking the leopard's shit, he told his neighbor to go get him some salt just so that he could rub it into his wounds, pound his chest like Tarzan and prove to everyone that he was the baddest motherfucker in town. Awesome. Look it up, fools.
    1 point
  3. Aura are good cars unlike some of the other saturns
    1 point
  4. RAMPAGE VS EVANS I can't wait. It's going to be a slug fest. Both heavy handed, tough, well conditioned fighters. This is supposed to be one of the best fights of the year. Someone is getting KO'd. This will be the first time that I'm not going to make any predictions or take sides. I'm just going to enjoy this one. I HATE BISPING. I hope he gets his face punched in. I just dont know if Dan Miller can do it. I sure hope so. Duffee vs Russow. This should be a good one too. I think Duffee takes it just because he is believed to be the better fighter. Russow is very under rated though and I give him a punchers chance. Nogueira vs Brilz. This is when I take my bathroom break, eat some snacks, drink some beer and look at my girlfriends sisters tits. Sanchez vs Hathaway. I like this fight. It's going to be a good one. Both good ground and pound fighters, but I give the advantage to Sanchez. This is the one I might regret though because Hathaway is good too. But Sanchez wants it more. Amir Sadollah vs Dong Hyun Kim fight should be good too as well as Efrain Escudero vs Dan Lauzon. I'll watch this too. Also Melvin Guillard is fighting too. I dont know if it will be on though.
    1 point
  5. jesus i was on a FFFFUUUUUU rampage last night. I was at it for a solid hour or so. Its almost like i blacked out and came to and had posted 50 replies.
    1 point
  6. Ha! Hilarious. At least it was still his dad and not some other guy or his dad watching some other guy drill his mom. I mean, get the fuck over it. What a fuckin suprise! My mom and dad have sex. They probably used that money to buy your fuckin xbox you ungrateful piece of shit! Now, you get in there and show you appreciate them by purchasing a 2nd download of their material and knockin one out on the couch just like good ol dad used to do!
    1 point
  7. I joined for the blue waffles
    1 point
  8. Well the Shadow is a 5-speed A-523 car. The plan to turbo them is just kind of a plan B type thing. I would really love to get a Terminator Cobra or a Fox mustang with a 351. But I could still get the Mustang and keep the Shadow as my DD.
    1 point
  9. http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/144287/1272387562007.jpg
    1 point
  10. I really could care less, your highness. Jeez your ego is huge.
    -1 points
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