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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2010 in Posts

  1. This is by far my far my favorite drift club. I have met a few of them before and have talked with one a few times about coming out that way (He has the LS1 pink S14 in the second vid). So im actually looking to plan a trip out to Chi Town very soon for a little vacation and to possibly catch up with a few of them. Yes, I guess im a nutswinger...but these guys really know how to have fun and enjoy the sport. short clip http://vimeo.com/11176718 and a vid of one of their "sunday Fundays" Shit like this makes me wonder how I thought going fast in a straight line was fun for so long?lol
    1 point
  2. Ok my name is Tommy i drive a 2001 VW GTI VR6 its bone stock besides intake, it only has 47,000 on it, Soon to be lowered with exhaust. Im here to learn more and meet new people. I have wanted a VR6 GTI since I was 16 and I got this one for a really good deal, needing a clutch, brakes, tires, mass air, temp sensor, and some other things. Hopeing to turbo it next year or so. Untill then just small bolt on mods as a daily driver http://i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww163/drenning08/fff.jpg
    1 point
  3. "A damn good street driver" WTF does that even mean... sounds like some Ricer bullshit.... I mean, my grandma is a damn good street driver, totally clean driving record, no accidents or nothing... "yo dawg, i keeps it real on the streets, with my mad tyte drifting skills, yo" Get that ricer faggot shit out of here Furthermore, I dont care how good he can figure skate, i mean drift, he still looks like a total choad. And the fact that he is mr drito, gives creedence to that fact.
    0 points
  4. I added some more info yesterday but i did not save but its there now!
    0 points
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