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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2014 in Posts

  1. I had a close call today on 556 due to a patch of oil in the road near the entrance to one of the new fracking sites. The oil was near the exit of a fairly high speed right hand turn. I was leaned pretty far over, getting ready to accelerate out of the corner. I completely lost the front end when I got to the oil. It felt like sliding on ice. Zero traction. A millisecond later I heard the engine rev to red line and spun up the rear tire for probably a full second or 2. The rider behind me said I smoked the rear tire. I thought I was going to low side until the rear gripped and the bike shook back and forth 3-4 times like a typical high side. It stood me up out of the seat and put most of my body weight over the grips. I managed to keep it on 2 wheels and kept it in my lane while wrestling it back under control. I've ridden that corner many times before. I was riding my typical line, had good body position, and was loosely gripping the bars. I've never felt anything like that before. Watch out for those fracking sites.
    2 points
  2. He only charged me 900 dollars to change my blinker fluid.
    2 points
  3. Didn't it change to TrekRX??!?!
    2 points
  4. http://www.psmag.com/navigation/health-and-behavior/truth-wont-admit-drinking-healthy-87891/ The U.S. public health establishment buries overwhelming evidence that abstinence is a cause of heart disease and early death. People deserve to know that alcohol gives most of us a higher life expectancy—even if consumed above recommended limits. A society best handles its available intoxicants by regarding them calmly and rationally, and by understanding that people have the capacity (and the responsibility) to consume them in sensible, even life-enhancing ways. As formerly illegal drugs are decriminalized, as new “designer” substances are regularly introduced, as performance-enhancing drugs and quite powerful psychiatric drugs are more and more commonly used, there is really no other option for navigating substance use in the 21st century. Long but interesting article.
    1 point
  5. You could have just gone to a dealership if you wanted to test drive one.
    1 point
  6. While I understand your outrage, you can't charge parents with crimes committed by their kids. They're liable in civil matters for a few thousand dollars of damages, but they're their own thinking, breathing, decision-making idiots. The level of injuries sustained by the victims will determine whether or not this is assault, or felonious assault.
    1 point
  7. I like my 2-3 daily beers....fuck 'em, you only live once.
    1 point
  8. Makes more sense to what I was seeing.
    1 point
  9. It was tough to regain focus afterward. I couldn't muster any confidence in the front end for the rest of the ride home. Oh, well. I am over it and ready for the next ride.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, that was crazy Tony - wish I had a GoPro to document that, great save man! DPG.
    1 point
  11. Yeah I will bring it out after it's pieced back together. I found a guy parting his out and the parts should be here tomorrow or Tuesday. Hopefully it's the right ones and not all dry rotted. Those tags are actually from the corvette I had. I will be going to the BMV tomorrow to get title done and it's own historic tags! Oh and you guys should see me around the forum more often now.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Nice choice...I had a blast on my 08, some great memories on that bike!
    1 point
  14. Aren't permits just so they know to raise your property taxes?
    1 point
  15. And if you have a bathroom, you need a stripper pole.
    1 point
  16. My wife is wearing a 1978 Datsun 280z on her finger. I like to occasionally remind her of that, usually after I get home from work in my 1997 Mercury Sable.
    1 point
  17. Just an FYI Bike is $4720.00 high retail on KBB Being fall, you will be hard pressed to get $4000.00 Nice bike and good luck with sale.
    -1 points
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