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Status Updates posted by jarvismb

  1. are you f'ing kidding me?? Everyone parks there. That would be like 50 tickets a day. You know how pissed the people who drive cars would be if an extra 50 spots were taken up with motorcycles every day??

    Plus it not like you can put a parking pass on a bike. what are you gonna do, put it on the brake handle??

    Shit, I'll have to watch for that, thanks for the heads up.

  2. don't tempt me, i might just get bored and do it.....

  3. dude, have you thought about going to the Gingerman event? I need to start thinking about how I'm getting down there and I want to get an idea who's going.

  4. First of all, you're crazy. Wayyyy too damn cold for that.

    And no, i didn't get to see it. You're just gonna have to make a regular thing of it.

  5. hey, where can i get a WRX tuned? I've taken over the black '07 that was for sale here and it could use some refining, but I'm not sure where to go for a 4wd dyno. Suggestions?

  6. i sure as hell haven't, and i've never heard of anyone else getting them either.

  7. i wanted to reply to you, but I forgot.

  8. if it's any consolation, I'll always think of you as a post-whore

  9. if you're talking about the grad class i was in on O.R. family pizza day, then i killed it, and i'm glad to be done till the fall. If you're not talking about that, then i'm embarrassed and please correct me in the nicest way possible.

    how goes your schooling? anymore posters to be toted around?

  10. so that's it? you were going to tell me something, then figured i wasn't cool enough? i got hosed....

  11. sooo, thanks for the random reminder that my pictures still look funny to you....

    you're a gem.

  12. sorry, i didn't even see the note until late, but I was busy with MW2. That'll be my crack for a bit, but I'll be on and off Forza all winter. I have lots of career to go still....

  13. Thanks for the heads up, I'll try to get ahold of them here soon and see what they say. My only worry is that I'll be in Hilton Head getting plastered the weekend of the 4th, so if that's the Gratten alternative, I'm super F'd.

  14. that pic is awesome, thanks

  15. the white suit's where it's at, everyone else is just jealous. :badgerrock:

  16. well, it seems that bike is well out of my price range, but if you end up parting that steering damper, let me know. that would be a nice toy to have, and from one '06 to another would make it as easy as it can get.

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