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old dirty bastard

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About old dirty bastard

  • Birthday 07/17/1972

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  1. I would watch keeping a jug of water in a car in the summer months esp. if its plastic i carry tablets and a water filter
  2. I have a ton of parts and a frame I will let go cheap
  3. [Jim Mora voice] What's that? Uh -- Palin? Don't talk about -- Palin? You kidding me? Palin? [/Jim Mora voice]
  4. Shit... When Harry Potter came out I was fighting everyone
  5. That bitch is crazy stealing someones access device to the intranetz
  6. Where were you at the last 8 years?
  7. I really need to know what the eagle has to do with all of this
  8. Im talking about adding what u owe on your nissan and putting it on the back of the new car loan (negative equity)fuck that Just be patient pay your car off and then get a new one(I know u don't want to hear that thou)
  9. Hopefully Delaware is easier then Franklin county someone close to me tried this year and was denied
  10. I don't think its poop the sitiuation protected u from yourself. Negative equity is poop
  11. Yeah guns are so hard to get a hold of
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