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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I just called Paninis and they said that if the fundraiser says all domestic drafts its miller light, coors light, and keystone (lol keystone)... should be fine :D

  2. OsuMj

    hrm... cazuelas right? I miiiight be able to attend a lunch this week, but I have class, 2 hws, 2 finals, and a huge presentation to prepare, so it would have to be close. I kinda wanted to go to casuelas and get some margaritas and stuff, but that has to wait till i'm back from pittsburgh.

  3. possibility...

  4. yeah, that's mostly it, there's not a TON to post about right now. I've just been sitting quietly & reading :) + now that school is out, I try to stare at the computer less... just until school starts again, then i'll be back on 20/7 :D

    What've you been up to???

  5. yay, thanks i think. i havven't been able to eat much of anything... choked down some yogurt this morning... ugh. I'm getting wings tonight though dammit

  6. my lower back hurts... :lol: no hand prints though...

  7. no... I no has moniez. I am expecting my hospital bills from the kidney stone to be ~$3000 so I'm trying to be all responsible and stuff and save money so i can not have debt... guns are luxuries right now... lol

  8. OsuMj

    hey, where are you riding to hooters from? Want company?

  9. OsuMj

    and when i said i might take you up on that, I didn't mean this part :sex: .. I meant the mac n cheese part ... :D

  10. I rode up until last week... got snowy then :(

    Yeah, snowboarding takes over the boredom from not riding. I'm terrible, in fact, i'm not even good at getting off the ski lift. I almost broke my arm last week and have quite the bruise to show for it :p

    I'm jealous about being in florida. I could use a little warm. :)

  11. I'm sleeping more now than I usually do! :D I actually got like 6 hours last night!!! But, for future reference don't rule out the subconscious. ;)

  12. do you think 5 guys will be crazy busy at lunch time?

  13. Sooo... you're a mechanical engineer at OSU?

  14. OsuMj

    campus. I finally feel better, so i'm gonna take my bike to campus

  15. you catchin a cold honey? :D

  16. yeeees... did you join bc you saw my sticker? lol

  17. lol... if you want... ahha

  18. I wanted to tell you something, but I forgot.

  19. I'm bored mooser.

  20. which bike do you want me to bring? :p

  21. hahaha, i have no idea.... but I would like to see you try to get your 15 cents back.... :lol:

  22. are you an osu person?

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