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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. not enough... 4 hrs maybe... suck.

    how's life treatin ya?

  2. OsuMj

    i just burnt noodles :nono:

  3. that blows. I hope you get better quickly! It turns out I am supposed to go to a hockey game that day, so unless its happening on sunday, I might not be going either...

  4. oh, haha, ok, no i've not been in your town before... to be honest i had to google it to see where it was :) anyway, i'll come out tomorrow if my bike is ok and if i'm feelin alright in the morning, however it most definitely won't be earlly in the morning so the game plan would be to intercept you guys wherever you may be.

  5. june... what about you?

  6. yep, you offered me 5 hot men and a free track day.

  7. I haven't seen it, therefore, i don't believe it. sorry old man

  8. shoulda came to bike night kiddo. chris and bob went. are you still in cbus right now or are you home?

  9. oh, you wanna be friends huh. :D

  10. well we have something in common then :D

    I haven't been there in years... new coffee shop?? interesting. we must be growing.

  11. hahahaha, i didn't even see your response to this... so #3 huh? ;)

  12. your avatar is creepy.

  13. so..... what are you gonna be??? :lol:

  14. awww... you're such a nice guy helpin that guy out who no does speak very well.

  15. nope, YOTAMAN=MAYO ANT.... sorry kiddo, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

  16. mmm... yeah. FIVE HOT MEN, and a free track day.... so who were these 5 hotties that wanted to meet me?

  17. I would love to host a party, unfortunately I live in a tiny ass apt. However, if anyone would offer up their space, I would be more than willing to do the party planning.

  18. cool. i almost went that route. i decided at the very last minute i wanted my masters in ME instead...

  19. whats this with asking ross if he wants to go fishing & not me??? :D

  20. I felt sad for your brother's wall, so i posted. :)

  21. OK, come over... you're being a beauty queen. lol

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