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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I just washed my bike.

  2. I know, i'm pretty much famous right.... :lol: jk

  3. I know, right? :p that's why i said i was buying them early.

    Make yourself useful and figure out why there is a missing factor of 2, 4, or 8 in the derivation of the maxwell velocity function... and have it to me by 1130 so that i can finish my hw. :D

  4. OsuMj

    i know. :p so what's with you never visiting anymore? do i even have to say this....I miss you! ;)

  5. I know. My inspiration is that gators eat people, so I should eat the gator.

  6. I like this pic, it was a gator with a shot in it.

  7. I like to dream big...

  8. I like your avatar.

  9. OsuMj

    I love your seat!!!

  10. I made it AND serenaded you... does that make up for the other times that i 'flaked' ?

  11. I made you a sammich, its been on my counter for like 2 weeks. still want it?

  12. I might be done as of today... I'm not a fan of being careful bc there's ice on the road. I dont mind the cold so much, but i'm not tryin to wreck...

  13. I might be out, it depends on how I'm feeling. I've been having some weirdness where my IV was, and have been feeling unusually good today, so that has to be an indicator of bad things to come... lol. Anyway, I think Chris said he might want to go out too, so he'll drive me if i'm feeling good. Thanks Lance :)

  14. I miiiight go this weekend. I wanted to go tomorrow, but I have about zero chance of finishing my work if I do.

  15. I need to change my banner to:

    osumj is a girl... and is not pregnant.

  16. i never thought i would say this, but i can't wait to be back in ohio... hopefully get in on a ride or two when i get back too... got any plans?

  17. I noticed you're from bellevue... I grew up in monroeville!

  18. I passed!!!! then my bike died. Hope you have jumper cables, bc i might be needing them!

  19. I rode up until last week... got snowy then :(

    Yeah, snowboarding takes over the boredom from not riding. I'm terrible, in fact, i'm not even good at getting off the ski lift. I almost broke my arm last week and have quite the bruise to show for it :p

    I'm jealous about being in florida. I could use a little warm. :)

  20. I saw a yellow 600rr there last night with a white OR sticker on the windshield thought it might have been you.... wonder who else has the same bike!

  21. OsuMj

    I see you have a new wing man already... what happened to parks? He's slippin.

  22. I shot a 1911 and a glock that day. I love the 1911, its way more comfortable than the few 9mms i've shot. I did not like the glock at all though... hurt my hand. lol.

  23. I should start the "osumj is a girl" banner contest. lol

  24. I signed a lease that says "lessee agrees to refrain from engaging in ... offensive activities of... visual nature" so I'm gonna say that as long as i'm not participating... sure.

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