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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I'm not sure why, I feel compelled to pick on you?

  2. i'm not talented enough to wink and stick my tongue out at the same time :(

    You're up late... or early

  3. I'm pretty good. I've been packing and moving while I still can :) what about you. How are you feeling??? :)

  4. I'm pretty sure you're the only one i'm gonna make call me 'doctor' :lol:

  5. I'm really suprised more people don't get your name... and i'm really suprised that "come to coshocton" isn't in your sig line yet.

  6. I'm sleeping more now than I usually do! :D I actually got like 6 hours last night!!! But, for future reference don't rule out the subconscious. ;)

  7. I'm still here this weekend, but everyone else is at the lake. If you want to go to the meet and greet on sunday, I'm gonna be riding over.

  8. I'm thinking kittens with flowers... :D

  9. I'm trying to make you entertain me at work and you're failing. :nono:

    btw, you need to spice up your profile page.... this is blander than my cooking.


  10. I've been to snow trails once and mad river about 4 times. mr has better hills but snow trails is easier to learn on. I thinik I like mr better, although, I'm almost to the point I actually want to try a real hill, like NY or PA style.

  11. idk if i said this before, but the girl in your avatar looks exactly like a girl i went to high school with....

  12. Idk, depends on what time I get outta here. I have a poster presentation for the North American Solid State Chemistry conference... meh. :(

  13. OsuMj

    idk, I like finding new places. Got any suggestions??

  14. idk.

    I might be there... i'm pretty busy. I got a new apartment and I have to move... its gonna suck. I have to scrape up the money for the deposit, the first months rent, and the parts to make my bike run all nice again :) ... then I might be there... ;)

  15. idk... nothing. iron pony said i need to replace the chain & sprockets. I need to get a bike stand, a 27 mm wrench so I can check it out... then potentially buy the chain & sprockets.

  16. If i get rid of the furniture for the night we might be able to have a 15 person rave. Should be fun...

    Until you show me you can keep up though, you're an old man. sorry bubba.

  17. OsuMj

    If my "invisible" bf keeps not showing up to things, you can be my date to the next OR event... :)

    You'll have to let me know if/when you celebrate your 21st! I'll buy ya a drink!

  18. if we all chip in it won't be that expensive.... *sigh* I think this is why we're friends.... you seem to be some sort of comedian.

  19. If you don't mind me using one for a week, that would be fantastic! I would use them if they were pink... lol Are you gonna be at any of the bike nights this week?

  20. im ok! lol. one more surgery

  21. interesting... well thanks for offering to help me out. I was a little frazzled bc the bike is new to me and I wasn't expecting all that trouble that day. I'm glad you joined so I could tell ya thanks.

  22. is dover your last name, and have you ever heard of monroeville?

  23. is that a question?? I don't remember riding that way. lol

  24. it sneaks up on ya.... this is my second time through and it feels like it just flew by.

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