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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. lol, no worries, its a good thing.

    I don't remind you of anyone?? that's unusual.

  2. lol, ok, that's what I thought. That's awesome.

  3. lol, ok, thought i would check. My sister was friends with a guy with the last name of dover back when we lived in m'ville, and i've never met any other dovers...

  4. lol, thanks for the insight... i think :lol:

  5. lol, thanks. that was Yota peeing... :D

  6. lol, yeah, we had a good time!! :)

  7. lol. well, sounds like you had quite the weekend!!! I'm gonna go entertain myself by cutting my hair... yeah

  8. lol... 4, that's excessive. :D I might be with ya there on the "don't want any more" statement. idk, we'll see if I become Dr. Mj or not...

  9. lol... i dont remember offering, but I could be available for that. :D

  10. lol... i've driven down that road like 6 times today bc i keep forgetting stuff at home.

  11. lol... if you want... ahha

  12. lol... no worries :D... it was like sunburn sorta... and I blame whoever it was that was lifting me up at the time... yota maybe?? idk :lol:

  13. lol... ok, maybe not yawn, but more than half the people in there were falling asleep. I was only awake bc I can multitask - got a matlab file set up to take on data points from a different group, read through OR stuff, and learned about engines all at once :) sorry about you having to yell at an old man... :( I was thinking about pedaling back to my house and making chicken helper for lunch if you want some... :lol:

  14. Long, not interesting story, it was a nickname my roommate came up with for me a few years ago to distinguish between me and michelle (our other roommate). Oh, and i'm definitely a one "L" michele.... :D

  15. look at you traveling all over the place!!! I'm going to cleveland on friday too, in the afternoon though.

  16. makes perfect sense, you were trying to fit them in the picture. :)

    Hope you get all fixed up soon!!!

  17. man, you start ORing at 7am too... nice. :nono:

  18. March? You haven't been here since MARCH??? w-t-f.


  19. maybe we already talked about this... buuuut... your dad has a garage in norwalk?

  20. maybe you could just drop by... my phone is dead and idk where the charger is... :p

  21. maybe... details?

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