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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. yes, john, it was from you. .... justin, i hate you. ;)

  2. :) yeah that is pretty generic, i've seen their signs around. Haven't heard anything about em though. Good luck!! Its always such a pain trying to find a good place near campus....
  3. So were you at 6:30 too? How did you do?

  4. well, my butt hurts... :) I rode 200 miles today and yesterday.

  5. OsuMj

    hrm, that sounds like I'm not getting any ice cream...

    although, I do have my gear with me, soooo technically you could stop by and pick me up :D

  6. OsuMj

    the men are talking.... suuuuure. ;)

  7. I was at like 48 mins or something. me and the roomie ran together... his military boots filled with water and didn't drain so it made for an interesting run lol. We kind of just jogged and had fun.... :)

  8. duuuuude, you need to change your pic, its been ages since you were in that chair!

  9. wow, looks like you don't have any friends... maybe you should be nice to people :D

  10. ha, yeah looks like it. I might go on monday or tuesday if it stays cold.

  11. hrm... I think it should be a goofy pic of you... take, for example, my profile pic... hahaha.

  12. ohhh, don't do it.... i'm still riding... :)

  13. I wanna work on my kawi a bit this winter... got any ideas for improvements :) ?

  14. sounds nice. I'm hungry.


  15. Heeey, sorry I ended up not going... just getting over the flu and wasn't feeling totally up to it :-/ Hope you had fun!

  16. I appreciate that. but to be honest, i already think you're creepy.


  17. CBR!! Ok, well I'm gonna try to get it taken care of, but not sure if I have time or not... it starts sometimes :)

  18. Happy Birthday!

  19. I'm gonna stop by John's later today and see if his battery is going to fit.

  20. um.... maybe a little of both :)

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