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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. mechanical engineering.... that's why i'm always checkin out the bikes at scott... lol. what about you?

  2. meh, its getting there. I noticed today that she removed the cooking racks in the stove, so I can't use the oven.... and my furnace is broken, so no heat.... buuuut other than that, not bad :)

  3. meh, stuck at work on this beautiful day :( I got a little ride in this morning and showed up here around 11 though ... hahaha *evil laughter*

    what about you??

  4. meow... hmmm :) howdy.

  5. Michigan! the UP

  6. miller lite... ew. i've moved on to red bull & rum

  7. mmm, so my virus checker has randomly turned off and won't allow me to turn it back on. And my computer is slow and shuts off by itself sometimes, and has been freezing a lot lately... probably from watching too much pron. :lol:

    good advice btw.

    What is in it for you?? What do you want? If you're lucky, we'll get a nice ride in when you take that day off from work, and i'll probably buy you a few beers.

  8. mmm... yeah. FIVE HOT MEN, and a free track day.... so who were these 5 hotties that wanted to meet me?

  9. mmmk, my friends said no bc last time they went to one of these fundraisers there wasn't enough pizza and they were served nati..... :eek: anyway, I'm still in.

  10. mmmk. I'll let ya know

  11. mmmm, men in uniform.... :lol:

  12. mmmmk, but I think you're missin out :) the box said not to use a round baking dish, and I'm just such a rebel that i said "F U Box, I'll use a round dish if i wanna" so yeah...

  13. mmmmm.... ginger.... I could go for some ginger.

  14. mmmmmk... I plan on riding up, unless the weather is bad.

  15. more like, i'm inexperienced at owning things that need to be registered on a yearly basis.... yah

  16. my arm is in a sling. :( fail boat.

  17. my family cedar point trip is that day :( no coshocton ride for me

  18. my lower back hurts... :lol: no hand prints though...

  19. my mom lives there. i ride up and visit every once in a while. I was going to try to get a shelby/mansfield ride/lunch together next season.

  20. my previous statement (about you being weird) stands ;)

    i'll let him know not to try the pineapple. :D

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