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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. maybe you could just drop by... my phone is dead and idk where the charger is... :p

  2. I've been to snow trails once and mad river about 4 times. mr has better hills but snow trails is easier to learn on. I thinik I like mr better, although, I'm almost to the point I actually want to try a real hill, like NY or PA style.

  3. lol. well, sounds like you had quite the weekend!!! I'm gonna go entertain myself by cutting my hair... yeah

  4. no problem! :) It was nice meeting you too!

  5. awww... that's cute. no promises....

  6. I did... and I thought i responded... lol. It was nice seeing you too :p I've been inspired all week to doodle (I'm at a conference in SF)

  7. You're a funny kid!! :D

  8. hmmm.... interesting idea. :D

  9. mmmk. I'll let ya know

  10. Oh. good!! :D... so you're just an ordinary old man then?

  11. I'm feeling let down that you wont make a promise.


  12. ^^ you're right, i fail. ;)

  13. sorry bubba, just can't remember what it was... :)

  14. Sooo... i feel terrible, what is your REAL name... lol

  15. damn! You're all over that shit! :D

  16. nah, not yet. Today is the official first day of my vacation... just woke up! :)

  17. OsuMj

    how was the riding this weekend?

  18. there ya go... i got a pic up of me painted... can't see much :D

  19. cooool. my phone is dead, can't find charger... suuuuck. Ok, i'll either call ya or leave ya some messages ;)

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