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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. i think you're a little messed up. Its interesting. Makes me want to be friends with you. :D

  2. you called me a bitch??? :eek: jk :p no worries kiddo.

  3. I had a 45 minute layover in ATL one time, and made it with 10 mins to spare. Good luck ;)

  4. not too bad :) got back from my conference/vacation in SF, starting in on school work again... no major complaints :)

    How are you doin? you feelin better after your bike incident?

  5. OMG.

    killin me buddy.

  6. I'm excited for ya! Can't wait to see it :)

  7. I'm not sure why, I feel compelled to pick on you?

  8. its a red x ...

  9. its a new defense mechanism.

  10. ...? that ok? :p I need to get another charger..... holy cow, you're slow. :D

  11. lol... no worries :D... it was like sunburn sorta... and I blame whoever it was that was lifting me up at the time... yota maybe?? idk :lol:

  12. OsuMj

    I love your seat!!!

  13. I should start the "osumj is a girl" banner contest. lol

  14. no problem! Next time it is somewhere without the background mess, maybe we can get some better shots.

  15. OsuMj

    hey kid, you up to anything exciting lately?

  16. hey, wehn you wanna try on them boots?

  17. nice! I like it!!! what is that??

  18. :eek: I was joking.... buuuuut :lol:
  19. I dont have it like that... :-/ sorry kiddo!

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