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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. no problem! :) It was nice meeting you too!

  2. no problem! Next time it is somewhere without the background mess, maybe we can get some better shots.

  3. no shit, i saw that movie and I didn't remember that...

  4. no... I no has moniez. I am expecting my hospital bills from the kidney stone to be ~$3000 so I'm trying to be all responsible and stuff and save money so i can not have debt... guns are luxuries right now... lol

  5. no... more south campus area...

  6. nope, YOTAMAN=MAYO ANT.... sorry kiddo, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

  7. not bad, you've been MIA for a bit.... how have you been?

  8. not bad! I'm glad to be back though. How's it goin with you?

  9. not bad... I'm supposed to go riding today with some OR people, but i'm not feeling great again... :-/

  10. not enough... 4 hrs maybe... suck.

    how's life treatin ya?

  11. OsuMj

    not much! you wanna get thurmans this week?? :D

  12. not sure... I just moved to a new place, so I'm trying to get my stuff unpacked so my roommate doesn't have to move around the boxes

  13. not too bad :) got back from my conference/vacation in SF, starting in on school work again... no major complaints :)

    How are you doin? you feelin better after your bike incident?

  14. of course i know you're teasin me!!! :) I am studying... take a break every once in a while to see what everyone is up to... and now its time for some sleep.

  15. of course you will... with your amazing comments like 'don't be a homo' :D

  16. OH EM GEE, you're almost at 50 postesess. I'll get you a milkashocka when you hit 50.

  17. oh i bet you were!!! me too!

  18. OsuMj

    oh jebus, another hawt pic... :lol:

  19. oh jebus, i've been categorized... as a garbage disposal.

  20. oh Moose McMooserson...

  21. oh noes... this has been an elaborate plan to get ross to marry me so that he can use the roofies to get pics of my boobs on the interwebz...

  22. oh shit, its hit the interwebz!!! lol. so you coming to lunch?

  23. oh, god, that's gonna get me into trouble one of these days though... I had a huge burger tonight, yummy, but seriously, need to start watching that.

    yeah... I have, at the minimum, one person walk up to me every week and say, you remind me of someone i know. it makes me giggle a little bit because i must have a very common face or something... idk

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