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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. oh, haha, ok, no i've not been in your town before... to be honest i had to google it to see where it was :) anyway, i'll come out tomorrow if my bike is ok and if i'm feelin alright in the morning, however it most definitely won't be earlly in the morning so the game plan would be to intercept you guys wherever you may be.

  2. Oh, well definitely thanks then. I haven't ridden it yet :eek:. I will ride tomorrow as soon as i have my paper done though... !! woooo!

  3. oh, you wanna be friends huh. :D

  4. OH, your 50th post was even a new thread, and it had my favorite drink in it. That deserves shrimpeshes too. ;)

  5. Oh. good!! :D... so you're just an ordinary old man then?

  6. oh. lol, probably. I have been riding my bicycle a lot now :-/

  7. ohhh, don't do it.... i'm still riding... :)

  8. OK, come over... you're being a beauty queen. lol

  9. ok, sometimes parades aren't on the day that they're celebrating. I'll be there. What do you need help with? I'll be out of town the day before, but I can help anytime this week and saturday!

  10. OsuMj

    ok, we should get ice cream this week... idk when though... I like cold stone or this place on high called jeni's

  11. OMG Happy Birthday!!! :)

  12. omg, i need slleeeeeepp. srsly. 2 hrs last night... bleh. Huge head made me not sleep, i missed it the first time around.

  13. omg, its your sig now... :lol: sometimes i feel like you might be the weirdest person i know.... i say this while staring at your watermelon hat. :p

  14. omg, that's fantastic.

  15. omg, you're making friends! :) shouldn't you be working or somethin?

    I'm hungry. lol.

  16. OsuMj

    omg, you're so young!!!! :-) lol

    ^ I posted that after I saw your comment from yesterday. :) sorry!!! hahaha. this was definitely not a response to your post!!

  17. OMG.

    killin me buddy.

  18. omg... i don't know what that means... thanks? maybe.

  19. on your mom's ass... yes OR... goof :)

  20. OsuMj

    Parks says you wanna marry me. :lol:

  21. parks wants me to marry ross. :lol:

  22. parks, you guys are taking me riding in coshocton so that I can break in my new bike, right???

  23. part of the reason this week is looking bad is my weekend. I usually work a bit on the weekends, but this weekend I'm going to the purdue OSU game in illinois... They have this breakfast club thing where they get dressed in halloween costumes and go drinking at 7am before the game.... should be fun... +today is my mom's bday, 2 hw assignments, and I have a shit ton of lab stuff to get done...!!!! ahh. :D whatabout you?

  24. pooossssibly :) I do need to eat sometime, right?

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