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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. :-/ i hate you. :) jk, that's nice though. On the same note though, If I get a 0% on my final tomorrow, I'll still get a B-.... so it should be ok. :)

  2. Fine...We're not friends unless I get some sort of friendship proposal!!! :D

    hrm, those look a little outta my price range. My apt is less than $500 a month! I'll be looking around that area during the summer, hopefully I'll find something...

  3. I miiiight go this weekend. I wanted to go tomorrow, but I have about zero chance of finishing my work if I do.

  4. of course i know you're teasin me!!! :) I am studying... take a break every once in a while to see what everyone is up to... and now its time for some sleep.

  5. its late buddy, why are you still up???

  6. I just noticed your "aka boy chest". :lol: ... hope I didn't completely traumatize you from the teasing... :)

  7. Did you give me angry + rep? sorry bubba, didn't mean to hurt your feelings :)

  8. Well, let me take a month off of that for you, I'm bored by the fact that you dont have a wall for me to write on.:p

  9. Happy Valentines Day! ;)

  10. :( i wanted to come :(
  11. OMG Happy Birthday!!! :)

  12. I didn't even watch the game lol, no cable.

  13. hey bubba, come pick me up and take me to the bar. I'll make it worth it to ya ;)


  14. haha, ok, good :) I think that's the first + I've gotten with an angry face. you kill me buddy

  15. that's why i have two.... :lol: only one has to be functional at a time. Its freakin cold out though.

  16. Yes! let me rephrase... That is fantastic!!! I want a watermelon on my head!!!

  17. I was looking for darth... lol

  18. I has a bucket too.

  19. so... if you want to go on that ride tomorrow, you can use the kawi and i can get you hooked up with some cbus people to go with... ?

  20. you make me sad. :'(

  21. whaddya doin right now?

  22. uh, the one with hook, uppercut, kick kick kick!!!!

  23. lol, ok, thought i would check. My sister was friends with a guy with the last name of dover back when we lived in m'ville, and i've never met any other dovers...

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