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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. portable electronics... including laptops?

  2. possibility...

  3. possibly, i'm considering it. maybe :)

  4. possibly... its supposed to be crappy weather :p whattabout you?

  5. probably I'll let you know when I get outta work. If everything works out I'll be there... directions please!

  6. probably the comment about ross wanting to marry me that you posted on my board... hahaha

  7. psh, i think it'll be easy :D I can't do push ups though. That should be interesting.

  8. psh, I wish I could. I have a lot of work to do before thanksgiving :( My teachers make it so that they have an easy holiday and dont have to grade anything till after thanksgiving.

  9. psh. call me when you're done with poker... i'm heading to work.

  10. psh... whatev. :D

    the only reason they would like you more than me is bc you put off a gay vibe that all the mens are drawn to. :p

  11. questions is, would you rock that shirt?

  12. reba macentire sang "don't be a homo" ?? I must get myself updated with current country music.

  13. recharged! i'll call ya tomorrow morning when I wake up... holly & are are gonna go to sports authority before we leave, let me know if you wanna go there or if we should pick you up later... :)

  14. ribs... not pizza... come on!!! :lol: I bet you will add it to your "collection" ;-)

  15. see, i just gotta get warmed up. :D you're my hero.

  16. shoulda came to bike night kiddo. chris and bob went. are you still in cbus right now or are you home?

  17. shut up! I just wanted to check before i left for work. bite me.

  18. Snowboarding was ammmaaaazing. I don't know who you're talking about ;)

  19. so here's a question... what would make you want to put that pic in your sig... hahaha, you seem like an interesting character.

  20. so T, W, or R... maybe wed or thurs after work?

  21. OsuMj

    so we're going to jeni's next week?

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