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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. i'm gonna work a little late and get some stuffs done here... then i'll come help ya with your furniture later. Give me a call when you're done 'working'

  2. i forgot what we're talking about.

    on a side topic... i hate mayonaise.... seriously.

  3. yeah you're right. I would have wanted to come if you promised the gold shorts would be out though.... just sayin.

  4. I'm gonna go make a sample... might be 3ish hours. . .

  5. are you watching me? I was just busting a move to the milkshake song like 2 days ago!

  6. I figured since you had such a big smile on your face last time you got off the bike, you wouldn't mind :) Oh, and you don't have to go right to my new apartment, if you wanna take it around a bit. ;) Anyway, it has to be between noon and 4 or anytime after 7:30. Whatever is most convenient for you... I'll give you a call when I get out and about.

  7. awww, thats nice ... :D i had an "H" on my back

  8. mmmmm.... ginger.... I could go for some ginger.

  9. :eek: I didn't know what you were talking about at first. lol
  10. doood. i'm sad you went to bike night when I wasn't there. Are you going to the next one?? or was this a one time only deal?

  11. I got my bike home from scott. I see I was the only one on a bike today. lol. Its kinda cold, so I'll probably stay in my nice warm house and just keep working on this stupid Matlab code...

  12. I went 5 or 6 times last year... gone 3 times this year. I suck too, but its a good crowd, and Joe is a stellar teacher - so if you need pointers, he's been hooking everyone up with great advice.I'm probably not going back to Mad River till January... I'm going to be in Colorado from the 1st to the 5th, so after that, we'll be doing some of the evening snowboarding things... I was thinking about getting a weekend trip to seven springs together too if you're interested...

  13. hey j, am i slow, or is your sig, where you're giving $0.021 worth actually only 105%? ...

  14. well, then you can see the not surprised look on my face.

  15. hey, thanks for the pasta salad, and tell abby that her sugar cookies are fantastic :)

  16. I need to change my banner to:

    osumj is a girl... and is not pregnant.

  17. i'm not out of it!

    why do you say too bad?

  18. Hey, thanks again... seriously, its a huuuge help. I owe you :)

  19. I could use some fresh ginger....

  20. I might be done as of today... I'm not a fan of being careful bc there's ice on the road. I dont mind the cold so much, but i'm not tryin to wreck...

  21. my mom lives there. i ride up and visit every once in a while. I was going to try to get a shelby/mansfield ride/lunch together next season.

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