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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. thanks for saving my apt from burning down :) I owe your nose one.

  2. Thanks! I love it. I can actually go a little faster now! it's fantastic :D

  3. thanks! I'll let ya know :)

  4. that blows. I hope you get better quickly! It turns out I am supposed to go to a hockey game that day, so unless its happening on sunday, I might not be going either...

  5. that is, indeed, what she said.

  6. that's 1/2 of it, the other half is that my apartment renovations aren't done yet, even though I'm supposed to be moved in already, and so I have limited access to the internet... i feel like an amish.

  7. that's why i have two.... :lol: only one has to be functional at a time. Its freakin cold out though.

  8. OsuMj

    the men are talking.... suuuuure. ;)

  9. the car isn't in my name... motorcycles are the first and only vehicles I have ever owned...

  10. there ya go... i got a pic up of me painted... can't see much :D

  11. TUESDAY?? you coming to bike night tonight?

  12. ugh, i know. I refresh the page every once in a while to keep myself from going crazy reading about spectral emissivity. just sayin. :D

    I hate finals week :( :(

  13. uh oh? wtf does that mean???

  14. uh oh... i've already got plans thursday.... :-/ what's going on thursday???

  15. uh, the one with hook, uppercut, kick kick kick!!!!

  16. uh, the one with hook, uppercut, kick kick kick!!!!

    (I wrote this on my wall on accident :p)

  17. uh.... i dont know... what did it say :D

  18. um, yes? i look like i just got hit by a bus though.

  19. OsuMj

    um... bc i'm stuck here at work, i'm bored outta my mind, and i'm kinda hungry...

    besides that... I got nothin.

    u going to bike night? I think i'm gonna drive there.

  20. um.... maybe a little of both :)

  21. up late too, huh

  22. Voted most popular! :lol: that will never happen again, enjoy it while you can :D j/k. BTW, I've saved 6 yuenglings for you. You'd better be thirsty!

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