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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. where are you at buddy, i miss your boy chest.

  2. and how old are you?

  3. what kind of engineer are you again??

  4. OsuMj

    no new bike yet... maybe by thursday??

    nice pic by the way, you guys still tryin to see who's wittier??

  5. :lol: hahaha, i forgot about quad city djs... awesome
  6. do you mean "whoomp there it is" ? :D

  7. i don't sleep much, its kind of a waste of time. what about you? you were up late!

  8. no no, not still up waking up for the day

  9. sooo... you're head of the birthday committee now? ;)

  10. OsuMj

    hi again I am dominating your board!!!

  11. i never thought i would say this, but i can't wait to be back in ohio... hopefully get in on a ride or two when i get back too... got any plans?

  12. lol, ok, thought i would check. My sister was friends with a guy with the last name of dover back when we lived in m'ville, and i've never met any other dovers...

  13. is dover your last name, and have you ever heard of monroeville?

  14. ribs... not pizza... come on!!! :lol: I bet you will add it to your "collection" ;-)

  15. OsuMj

    your aggressive wingman is at it again. :lol:

  16. glad to see i've made your photobucket album... creepster. :D

  17. i'm a maybe. I got a report, a midterm, a poster, and a presentation that i have to get done by wednesday... so definitely a maybe.

  18. OsuMj

    its hard not to notice.... eeewww.

  19. did you leave a comment for me... ? I want to accuse you of being a weirdo, but i'm not sure if you left it or not...

  20. OsuMj

    I'm glad you guys stopped by! :)

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