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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. yeah that sounds good... i'll try to be there around noonish

  2. yeah you're right. I would have wanted to come if you promised the gold shorts would be out though.... just sayin.

  3. Yeah, i'm there occasionally... usually going to el Vaquero! :)

  4. OsuMj

    yeah, i've been actively avoiding thread that you've posted in as well as my own profile so that i don't have to look at your avatar...

  5. yeah, its a compliment... you're always in interesting photos!!! :)

  6. yeah, its pretty nice. He's been using my other motorcycle, so occasionally we go for a ride together....

  7. OsuMj

    yeah, one of us should....

    lol, i'll do it :)

  8. yeah, that's mostly it, there's not a TON to post about right now. I've just been sitting quietly & reading :) + now that school is out, I try to stare at the computer less... just until school starts again, then i'll be back on 20/7 :D

    What've you been up to???

  9. yeah... I usually scope out the bikes on campus and I dont remember seeing yours anywhere... yeah, that comes across a little stalkery, sorry about that

  10. yeah... this is actually a REALLY nice neighborhood though... mix of harrison west and victorian village... pretty low crime rate.

  11. OsuMj

    yeah... wwwaaaaay sweeter than the last one.

  12. yeeees... did you join bc you saw my sticker? lol

  13. yeees... just to mingle though.

  14. OsuMj

    yep waiting for the bank to tell me the money is in the account

  15. yep, move is mostly complete. I feel... OK. :) ok enough to go on vacation.

  16. yep, you offered me 5 hot men and a free track day.

  17. yep... lol... it got interesting :D... I'm at a garage sale right now...

  18. yeppers! this morning.

    got your wrist working yet??? :)

  19. yeppers... a little too much maybe... :)

  20. yes, john, it was from you. .... justin, i hate you. ;)

  21. Yes, that's the thanks you get. You definitely should not have waited for me!! But thanks... :D

  22. Yes! How did you know?? I mailed them yesterday, so if you don't get them its probably because the mail man saw them and thought they were sweet and stole them...

  23. Yes! I fooled Verizon... !!

  24. Yes! let me rephrase... That is fantastic!!! I want a watermelon on my head!!!

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