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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. lol... i dont remember offering, but I could be available for that. :D

  2. I like your avatar.

  3. what arrangement?

    I think the water vapor is getting to me. :D

  4. OsuMj

    Nice story change btw...

    Parks says I should ask you out bc your shy.

    LOL you guys are killin me.

  5. OsuMj

    hi again I am dominating your board!!!

  6. I think he had a legit shot... I mean I was a clearly single woman for like 3 weeks. :lol: things are a little cloudy for me again now though.

    I did see your post about dating his face. I'm amused.

  7. I was going to (+) rep you and leave this comment: you're so classy!


  8. OsuMj

    soo... uh... where did that come from???

  9. :D I've been taking scuba classes! TopLeft is teaching me. I've wanted to check out the SE side of Florida for some time, I'm pretty certain i'm going down this summer.
  10. makes perfect sense, you were trying to fit them in the picture. :)

    Hope you get all fixed up soon!!!

  11. :lol: you are one funny dude.
  12. uh oh... i've already got plans thursday.... :-/ what's going on thursday???

  13. yeees... just to mingle though.

  14. OsuMj

    & that came up??? weird. maybe i should be getting a check :confused:

  15. Yes! Road trip for sure. :D I've got one other friend that does it too, so that's at least 3 of us... could be a party!

  16. I think he lost his op... sad face.

  17. so T, W, or R... maybe wed or thurs after work?

  18. YES!!! I'll be your friend!!! :D

    felt good... didn't it!

  19. you're very convincing...

  20. my arm is in a sling. :( fail boat.

  21. Happy Birthday!

  22. tell me about santa.

  23. you like the double dutch rudder, biatch.

  24. nick, buddy, your avatar is freaking me out a little... :)

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