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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. up late too, huh

  2. woah woah waoh, slow down cowboy! my hubby?? hahah, are you arranging a marriage? Are you gonna trade like 3 goats and a basket of fruit or something???

  3. F that! xrays come back tomorrow.... if im good ill be boarding end of the week. :)

  4. so, u guys have time for a ride with me? I'm just trying to get some practice in and have a little fun... i'm thinking i need some experienced riders to tell me what i'm doing wrong too

  5. parks wants me to marry ross. :lol:

  6. terrible!

    I grabbed a coffee before class... i'm learning about internal combustion engines... *yawn*

  7. OsuMj

    wtf, we didn't get ice cream

  8. yeah, its a compliment... you're always in interesting photos!!! :)

  9. you like it!!! woah, i feel like i just went color blind now though.

  10. oh noes... this has been an elaborate plan to get ross to marry me so that he can use the roofies to get pics of my boobs on the interwebz...

  11. Long, not interesting story, it was a nickname my roommate came up with for me a few years ago to distinguish between me and michelle (our other roommate). Oh, and i'm definitely a one "L" michele.... :D

  12. :lol: have I ever touched you??
  13. yes... do it...

  14. OsuMj

    so we're going to jeni's next week?

  15. lol... ok, maybe not yawn, but more than half the people in there were falling asleep. I was only awake bc I can multitask - got a matlab file set up to take on data points from a different group, read through OR stuff, and learned about engines all at once :) sorry about you having to yell at an old man... :( I was thinking about pedaling back to my house and making chicken helper for lunch if you want some... :lol:

  16. ha! I wont be done with my 'work' until friday night.... I might make it out for a few on thursday night though... maaaaybe.

  17. lol... i've driven down that road like 6 times today bc i keep forgetting stuff at home.

  18. hey, thanks for the wishes of good luck... everything went well. woot!

  19. OsuMj

    i'd like to see that

  20. :lol: the gf and you are looking like a good option. I'll keep it mind. Maybe we could get ross to join in too??? OMG, this is totally creepster.
  21. Well... so far, one "L" michele's that I met seem to be a lot cooler than michelles... just an observation :p

  22. I'm bored, and hungry. fix it. :p

  23. eh, i got bored today.

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