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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. you're a grumpy old man

  2. you're brilliant. The perfect cure for boredom and hunger.

  3. you're dangerous, I'm loving it... ahahhaha :lol: omfg!!!! jk, its kinda growing on me.

    anyway, you're slipping bud, I just realize you are of average aggressiveness in your wingmanness lately.

  4. you're hilarious parks. just freakin hilarious. I'll make it out again sometime.

  5. you're just wandering around reading threads aren't you. lol.

    What days can you ride next week? I'll see if we can get something together. Or if you wanna try to go to a bike night we can do that.

  6. you're killin me bubba, every other post has the line "come to coshocton!" :lol:

    OH, and the music... reallly????

  7. OsuMj

    You're my hero!!!!! lol. I'll spare you the thread about how amazing you are.... ;)

  8. you're never actually on the internet when i feel like talking to you. This relationship isn't going to work out.

  9. you're so jealous... how cute. :p

  10. you're such a sweetie :rolleyes::p

  11. you're very convincing...

  12. OsuMj

    you've been punched in the ovaries before?

  13. you've been quiet today :)

  14. OsuMj

    your aggressive wingman is at it again. :lol:

  15. OsuMj

    your avatar creeps me out.

  16. your avatar is creepy.

  17. your lease up or you havin issues?

  18. your pic is a riot

  19. yup. sounds like you got it down!

  20. picture.php?albumid=828&pictureid=9186

    yours came out blurry... :-/

  21. OsuMj

    Haven't seen you in a while... hope you're not locked out again


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