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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. hrm, ok, I guess I should have just asked what site I should go to for the scan... :)

  2. awww, hopefully soon... this week is looking really bad though... :(

  3. part of the reason this week is looking bad is my weekend. I usually work a bit on the weekends, but this weekend I'm going to the purdue OSU game in illinois... They have this breakfast club thing where they get dressed in halloween costumes and go drinking at 7am before the game.... should be fun... +today is my mom's bday, 2 hw assignments, and I have a shit ton of lab stuff to get done...!!!! ahh. :D whatabout you?

  4. miller lite... ew. i've moved on to red bull & rum

  5. woah.. i musta woke up, rolled over, and hit the refresh button... lol

  6. where did you go??? :D

  7. awww honey, I miss you too. When you wanna get lunch?

  8. OsuMj

    didnt you say you were gonna teach me to make some mac 'n' cheese? :D

  9. newds for the perves... :lol:

  10. I feel like he can be hit or miss lately. Saying things like "I guess that's why they call it window pane (pain)" makes me lol. I liked him better when he was angrier :)

  11. OsuMj

    omg, you're so young!!!! :-) lol

    ^ I posted that after I saw your comment from yesterday. :) sorry!!! hahaha. this was definitely not a response to your post!!

  12. hey, sorry i missed your call. i'll be at bike night tonight hopefully though.

  13. no comments yet... i think i'm gonna win this one...

  14. yeppers! this morning.

    got your wrist working yet??? :)

  15. OsuMj

    no it doesn't! you're crazy. everyone wants to be 20... well 21.

  16. hrm :( maybe i'll actually get to run across you at one of these events eventually. You gonna be at ROC?

  17. ah, how was that? If he can't pick you up, let me know. I could swing by.

  18. was that your attempt at a joke?


  19. cool, let me know if you're gonna be at any of the bike nights this week. :)

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