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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. gooooood (ish), how you doin?

  2. ha, no kidding, right? :)

  3. ha, yeah looks like it. I might go on monday or tuesday if it stays cold.

  4. ha, you're welcome, thanks for doing EVERYTHING else :)

  5. HA! I appreciate your help ;)

  6. ha! I wont be done with my 'work' until friday night.... I might make it out for a few on thursday night though... maaaaybe.

  7. haha, hrm... nah, just trying to find the quickest easiest way to work. :)

  8. haha, ok, but if i look up and you two are touching each other's cocks, i'm OUT! :D

  9. haha, ok, good :) I think that's the first + I've gotten with an angry face. you kill me buddy

  10. haha, that store was part of my trip around dayton when i was trying to find a coffee shop...

    what? heating/cooling cycle? I'm new to this painting thing, the only heating & cooling I did was letting it sit out over night.

  11. haha, um... probably. I think I might drive though. We'll see. :)

  12. OsuMj

    haha, you shoulda made the thread. :) I want some ice cream.

  13. haha... well good effort. :)

  14. haha.... awww. you need to start postin kiddo... you have 2 friends. buuut, on a side note, you probably have the highest % of girls as your friends... 100% :trophy:

  15. hahaha, i have no idea.... but I would like to see you try to get your 15 cents back.... :lol:

  16. hahaha, i suck :(

    ;)... but at least people dont think my name is brian :D

  17. hahaha, I think I actually miss you from time to time... only bc nobody else is so mean to me.

  18. hahahaa, you MISSED me! Its ok big guy, I know you can't admit you have feelings and stuff... lol

  19. hahahaha, i didn't even see your response to this... so #3 huh? ;)

  20. ham and provolone.

  21. Happy Birthday!!

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