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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj

    haha, you shoulda made the thread. :) I want some ice cream.

  2. oh, god, that's gonna get me into trouble one of these days though... I had a huge burger tonight, yummy, but seriously, need to start watching that.

    yeah... I have, at the minimum, one person walk up to me every week and say, you remind me of someone i know. it makes me giggle a little bit because i must have a very common face or something... idk

  3. lol, thanks for the insight... i think :lol:

  4. how much longer are you gonna be limping around for?

  5. March? You haven't been here since MARCH??? w-t-f.


  6. oh jebus, i've been categorized... as a garbage disposal.

  7. :lol: I'll have to think about it.
  8. OsuMj

    WHAT are you doing on OR on your birthday... :nono:

  9. ah, nice. I grew up near there. My address was in Norwalk for a few years.

  10. :p naaaah, i dont have the interwebz on my phone. :lol:
  11. Anything exciting going on this weekend? I am entertaining a French girl this weekend and am looking for places to go.... :)

  12. bout time you get a bike ;)

  13. uh oh? wtf does that mean???

  14. Sometimes I feed the fire then let them ramble for a bit... its entertaining enough... lol

  15. OsuMj

    ok, we should get ice cream this week... idk when though... I like cold stone or this place on high called jeni's

  16. what time are you gonna be here, and what kind of beer do you want? :D

  17. ha, no kidding, right? :)

  18. hrm, unfortunately it was a good show on thursday.... but hopefully you can come out with us some other time! You should let me know next time you're free and I can get somethin together with everyone!

  19. OsuMj

    I'm getting a new bike!!!!

  20. I can play with the big boys!!! :D

  21. 7pm? sounds good.... what kind of beer then? :lol:

  22. not bad! I'm glad to be back though. How's it goin with you?

  23. Gill from park street? Welcome!

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