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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday... late :)

  6. Happy Valentines Day! ;)

  7. hard to say...

    i thought everyone decided it was you? now i'm really confused :confused:

  8. he didn't bring me the coffee... :p

  9. OsuMj

    heeey, just noticed a nice correction you made in a for sale thread after i hurt a ninja kids feelings... thanks! :)

  10. Heeey, sorry I ended up not going... just getting over the flu and wasn't feeling totally up to it :-/ Hope you had fun!

  11. Hello Mr. I-edit-my-post-on-your-wall-after-you-look-at-it. Just wondering :D

    You remind me of someone I know a little bit...

  12. Hello, my name is 4Daivi, come to coshocton!!!

    :lol: love it.

  13. hello! you should consider an Intro thread before people get all riled up... :D

  14. hey bubba, come pick me up and take me to the bar. I'll make it worth it to ya ;)


  15. hey dorkface! are you going to the shallowtail thing next saturday? I'm 98% sure i'm going!

  16. hey j, am i slow, or is your sig, where you're giving $0.021 worth actually only 105%? ...

  17. Hey KawiMan... how's it goin?

  18. OsuMj

    hey kid, you up to anything exciting lately?

  19. hey nice seeing you again too! I got so excited about mopping floors, I went home and mopped every linoleum surface in my apt!!! :)

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