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dweezel's Girl

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Posts posted by dweezel's Girl

  1. Dear, Rt.11 is a 65mph zone unless you are driving a vehicle that weighs more than 4 tons. Even the judge agreed with me that the ticket was wrong, although they still could have gone after me for the speed I was clocked at. So rather than spend three kinds of assloads of money on a lawyer, I pleaded "No Contest" to a lesser speeding charge and I got out of there. You hicks don't even know the speed of your own roads, just like the LEO, and that was his job;)

    No asshole, I asked if you were on Rt eleven, because you didn't say you were, and I couldn't think of any OTHER ROADS BESIDES RT11 that would have been 65, so i assumed you were, and asked. as for being a hick I'm not, i was born in Ft. Hood Texas and spent allot of my childhood in Hawaii. I'm an Army Brat thank you very much.

  2. well they're everywhere now, it's actually pretty rare to see a plain brown squirrel now. even as far down as Canfield it's mainly Minority squirrels.

    A bit off the subject babe, you should read from the begining. I'll take u for the best burritos tomorrow.

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