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Status Updates posted by copperhead

  1. I'm not sure. Is your pie crusted?
  2. Erryday I'm rustlin'
  3. I finally got around to working on that heater. I took the back apart, and found the vanes for pulling vacuum. Only one of the four would slide. I lightly sanded them and it actually ran for a good while but eventually quit. I think I need to do a little more sanding. Thanks for the help.
  4. I got a brand new torpedo type reddy heater off ebay last year, and out of the box it won't fire up. Sometimes it will shoot kerosene, but not always, and won't light at all. Fan spins, and the heater element comes on, but the spray isn't consistent. Ideas?
  5. I was actually thinking of making a post on here with links like that. You down?
  6. meet a giant fish

    fuck its brains out

  7. I can't part with the trailer until the quad is gone
  8. Don't let Fi hear you say that...
  9. I don't have that power. But you can give me suggestions as to what to do
  10. give me painkillers om nom nom
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